Chapter 19

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“Bring her back Brin, bring her back now.”  I watch the witch look down in regret and now I can feel myself losing myself.  “Don’t make me kill you Brin.”

He sighs.  “You know you can’t kill me Stephen.  I am truly sorry but I have to do this.”

“Why?  Because your father made you?  You’re an adult Brin, act like one.”

“I’m sorry Stephen.”  

With that Brin disappears from the room and I hang my head in sorrow.  She’s gone and I have no idea where she is now.

“Stephen?”  I hear Sebastian’s voice.  “Stephen, what’s wrong?”

“Brin took Keira.”  I whisper.

“Why would the witches want her?”

“He said something about a witch prophecy that she is a part of.  I can’t keep losing her Sebastian.”

“I know Stephen.  We’ll get her back.”

“We?”  I look up at my old friend.

“You don’t think I would let you go fight witches alone, do you?”

“Thank you Sebastian, I’m sorry I was a bad friend.”

“My parents didn’t really help.”

My eyes snap up to Sebastian’s.  Does he know about the day his parents attacked me?

“What do you mean Sebastian?”

“My parents told me why you hated me so much Stephen, I’m so sorry.”  

“Thank you.”  I stand up and hug him.

“You’re getting soft Stephen.”

“Keira made me soft and I actually like it.”



I wake up in a cold room wrapped in soft cozy blankets with stone walls and beautiful décor.  I feel a weird comfort and I don’t understand why.  I notice a blonde girl sitting in the corner watching me.  Deep in my heart I know that I should feel worried and scared but I feel safe and calm.  

“Why am I not scared?”

“It’s a spell, we don’t want your power going off.”

“You didn’t take my memories this time.”

The blonde girl sent me a nasty glare.  “Let’s get this clear, I wasn’t the one who took your memories, that was my brother.”

I can feel my anger growing with this girl as she sits and glares at me.  She’s the one who is holding me captive and she thinks she can be rude to me.

“It might as well have been you too then.”  I growl.

“Watch your tongue Faerie.”  The girl hisses at me.

I’m out of the bed in a second and pinning her against the wall.  Pain spreads throughout my body and I drop to the floor.  Stephen, he must be in pain.  My eyes land on the blonde and I watch her lips as she speaks some language I’ve never heard before and that’s when it hits me.  She’s a witch.  I grab her and pin her down.

“What are you doing to him?”  I growl.


“Stephen, you idiot.”  

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