Chapter 5

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and keep reading because there is a huge twist that is coming up in a few chapters that you are not going to want to miss!(:

Thanks for reading!



His sister is talking about someone.  “Stephen, come on.  I know you are lying.  That girl is someone.”  Did she see something?  Did I do something to make her think this?  Master is going to be so angry with me.

“She is just a girl who is living with me for the moment until she moves off on to someone else.”

Moves off on to someone else?  What the hell does that mean?  I don’t want to leave here.

“You care about this girl so I know you won’t sell her to another vampire because you know how they will treat her.”

Sell me?  I really am a slave…

“Adelle, shut up.  She is just a human and I bought her only for blood and sex.  That’s all.”

“That may have been your intentions at first but something is different about this one.”

I’m different?  Is that a good thing?

“Where do you come up with that?” I can hear the anger in his voice.

“You have never let any of the others sleep in the same bed as you.”

I’m his first?  He was my first and now I’m his as well.  I didn’t think a vampire would have a first after 859 years.

“I was only lonely.  That’s all.”

He is admitting his loneliness?  I didn’t know vampires got lonely…

“She is cute; I don’t understand why you wouldn’t be in love with her.”  His sister seems nice.  “If you ever want a day off from her you know you can definitely send her my way.”

“I’m sorry, Adelle, but I don’t think my toy is in to women.”

I gasp in shock.  His sister likes girls.  I really am not into girls and I don’t want to leave him.

“Was that her?”

He is silent at first, until I hear his voice echo the room.  “Keira, come out here.”

I enter the room slowly, hoping to not make him too angry at my listening to their conversation.  He turns towards his sister and I step up in between his legs in order to be closer to him.  When he looks back, he looks a little taken off guard.

“You seem to eavesdrop a lot.”  Curiosity killed the cat… Duh.

“Sorry, Master.”

“Oh goody, she is trained so well.”  His sister is practically jumping up and down.  “Oh, Stephie, will you get me a sexy human like her?”

Stephie?  It is kind of cute.  “Stephie?”  I ask.

I don’t expect him to hit me but he sure does send a hard slap across my cheeks.  I drop to my knees, trying to hide my shame.  Tears spring to my eyes but I vow to myself that I will not cry in front of his sister.  I can’t show weakness, isn’t that what all the movies say?

“Sorry, Master.” I whisper.

“Stephie.  How you could you hit her?  She was only curious.”  His sister growls at him.  She looks genuinely pissed off at him.

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