Chapter 9

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Oh my gosh!! The big reveal is in this chapter!  Read on and find out the big secret!




“She is right Stephen; you don’t give yourself enough credit.”  My mother whispers.

“Please, not now.”  I whisper.

“Now is probably the best time.”  My father adds.

“Yeah, she just told you she loves you and you completely turned her down.” Anthony steps in.

“Can I add that I told you so?”  Sapphire whispers.

“Will you all just shut up?”  I growl.

“No.  You need to hear this Stephen.  If you keep turning her down then you will lose her.  She can’t wait forever and she won’t live long enough for you to decide.” Adelle growls at me.

“She’s right Stephen.  Keira is only human and after being turned down so many times she will grow to hate you.  Do you really want that?”  My mother adds.

Of course I didn’t want that but what if I hurt Keira worse by being with her.  I really am the worst man for her.  I know that even if she grew to hate me and wanted out of this house I would not allow it.  She is my slave and my love but she can’t really be my mate, can she?

“Mom, do think that Keira may be my mate?”  I ask with curiosity dripping from my voice.

“I knew she was the moment I saw her glaring at Ariel from the window on your father’s birthday.  I am really quite surprised that you did not know that.”

“It didn’t occur to me.”  I whisper.

“Well don’t wait son.  Go tell her you love her too.”  My father adds.

“You’re right.  Bye dad, Bye mom.”

“Bye dear.  We love you.”

I watch them leave and then close the door once I see they have left.  I go to the kitchen and grab a blood bag with O+ blood and pour it into a glass.  Taking a small sip, I head up to my room.


I walk into his room to find it empty.  I pull off my dirty clothes and let my hair down, leaving me in my bra and panties.  I climb on his bed, sitting on the edge and wait for him to return.  Hours pass and he finally walks in the room with a glass of blood in his hands.  His eyes meet mine and surprise enters his features.  His eyes slide down to my body and I see lust flash in his eyes.  I smile at what I can do to this sexy vampire. 

“Hi.”  I whisper.

“What are you doing in here?” 

Disappointment enters my heart and I know he notices my reaction to his question.  “I wanted to be with you.”  I whisper.  I have never understood how I could love the man who kidnapped me from my family but the second I met him I began to fall for him.  He could have done every bad thing possible but I still would have fallen for him.  “But I can leave.”  I climb to my feet and step around him, heading towards his door.  I place my hand on the door knob but I’m quickly pulled back before I can turn it. 

Stephen pulls me tight against his head and nestles his face in my hair.  He spins me around quickly and there is a smirk on his face.  “You smell like a pond, I wonder why that would be.”

My thoughts shift to swimming through his pond to escape the grounds unnoticed.  It was the worst part of my journey.  “I wonder why.”  I joke back.

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