Chapter 4

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I watch as she slowly wakes up.  Her body is still chained to the wall and I know it must hurt but what do I care.  I can’t care about a human...  I won’t care about a human...  A chuckle leaves my mouth as I notice her staring at the glass of water that is out of her reach.  Stepping out of the shadows, she takes me in. 

“How are you feeling?”

I know she doesn’t want to be in this place though I know that her pride might just keep her down here.  It surprises me when she starts to apologize.

“I’m sorry Master; I will never disobey your commands again.  I will do everything that you ask, when you ask and not a moment later.  Please take me upstairs.  I can’t feel my arms and my legs are numb.”

“Tell me what you know I want to hear.”

“You are nothing like my father.  You never will be and I know that because, even though you bought me to feed on and have sex with, you still have taken better care of me than he ever had in the past.”  She won’t look at me but I know it was hard for her to admit that so I will let that slide.

I release her from the chains and watch her struggle to get up but I can tell her pain is unbearable.  I lean down and pull her into my grasp and carry her back up to her room.  She is a little dirty from the floors in the basement and she has dried blood on her wrist.  I set her on her soft sheets but I can’t remove my eyes from her body.  I paid a huge chunk for this girl and I fully intend to use her to her full potential.

“Food will be brought up to you.”  I don’t peel my eyes away, “Why don’t you go take a shower and clean yourself up.”

“I don’t know if I can…”

Does she not know how to?  What girl doesn’t know how to bathe?  “What?”

“I don’t think I can alone… My arms and legs just hurt so much but I want to be clean.”  She whispers.

Here is my chance.  I will take her virginity tonight and I will cherish every second of it.  “Right, I can assist you.”

I grab her and take her into the bathroom.  I set her into the grand tub and turn the water on, stripping down to nothing after I place the girly smelling bubble bath in.  Her eyes rake over my naked body and I can hear her heartbeat pick up.  I may be sexy but she doesn’t need to be so obvious about it.  Humans…

I push her forward and climb in behind her, pulling her on to my lap.  My erection rubs up against her cute ass and I hold back my moan.  Wrapping my arms around her, I rest my hands on to her chest but she begins to squirm in my grasp.  Why does she offer and then cower out?  Stupid human.

“You offered the invitation.  Just remember that.”

“I know.  I’m just nervous, that’s all.”

Why does she always have to be so nervous around me?  “I get it.  You humans cherish your innocence.”  I lie.  The truth is, when I was a human, all I did was sleep around and I was pretty popular.  I smile at the thought.

“It means a lot to us.  In all the movies, all vampires do is sleep around.  So you wouldn’t understand.”

Did she really just say this?  I’m not a stupid human like her; I understand more than she does.  “I was human once.  So, I do understand.”

She turns around on my lap so that she is facing me and giving me easier access to her.

“How old are you?”

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