Why it happened.

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"Now sweet heart, please don't shed a single tear. I promise I won't hurt you unless I have to," said the teenager who was standing in front of me. He seemed pretty sincere with what he said, so I decided to try to hold it together.

"Alex. Come on, dude! She doesn't look very good," he spat out of his mouth. The slamming open of a door startled me, and made me jump on the hard mattress.

"Cool it, Johnny, She seems like a smart girl. She's not gonna try anything," called a voice that sounded very hoarse; like he had been screaming all night. The clicking of the small light bulb that hung above the table brightened the room.

The teenager that  cut on the light was very tall; probably six foot four. He had light brown hair and blue eyes that shined like the ocean. He was wearing slightly ripped blue jeans, paired with a black shirt that had "Slip Knot"  in red letters written across his chest. As he approached the mattress, his eyes told me he was very angry, and that frightened me.

Slowly sliding next to me on the bed, he smiled at me and began to speak.

"Hello my love. My name is Alex; short for Alexander. My cousin's name is Johnny; as you've already figured out. Before I tell you what is about to happen, you must promise me you will not try to escape. Do you understand," he asked me, with a bitter look in his eyes.

"Yes.... Sir. I won't try.. Anything," I spoke quietly. This Alex guy was starting to frighten me; I think Johnny will be nicer to talk to.

"Im glad we're on the same page. In an hour, we will escort you upstairs to bathe, and get dressed. We will be hosting a dinner party, and you will accompany Johnny as his date. He will explain to you later how you should act," Alex said. "I'm sure you must be very confused, so I will allow you to ask two questions.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked.

Alex smirking and retorted,"Because you're beautiful. We've been watching you for a few days, and we decided that you would be perfect."

"That's NOT a good enough answer for me!" I basiclly yelled.

This was making me upset. I didn't want to be here anymore. Without thinking, I hit Alex straight in the face with my fist. But before I could jump off the mattress, Johnny had pinned me down flat. Alex groaned out in pain, and jumped off the bed fast.

"Stupid girl!" Alex yelled. My wrists were pinned down to the metal railing at the head of the bed. I felt Johnny's weight shift to my stomach, and I choked out a cough.

"Restrain her, Johnny!" Alex screamed. Still in pain, he ran out the door he came from.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt you unless I had to," Johnny said. "But since you did that, I'm going to have to. Im sorry, Mandy. I really don't want to do this."

Reaching behind his back, Johnny pulled an iron pipe with little holes poked into it. The last thing I said before he slammed the pipe on my leg was,"Please! Johnny don't do this! I'm sorry!"

The blow to my leg stung very badly. It felt like someone had got a blade and severed my leg from my waist. He hit both of my legs twice each, causing be to wreath out in severe pain. He only hit my stomach once, and hit only my left arm. By this time, tears were streaming down my face. The last thing I felt before everything went black was the force of his hand slapping my face.

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It was longer today guys! What did you think? Does Mandy die? Does she get to go to the dinner party? I hope you guys liked this chapter! Its my first book on here, so Im going to start another one soon! COMMENT PLEASE! Vote? and PLEASE  show this to your friend's on Wattpad! :D

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