Oh no.

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The cold air outside hit me the second we opened the door. With his knife in hand, Daulton edged me forward to this truck. I shut the door behind us, and tried to walk quick and swiftly to the passenger seat of his Toyota. When he got into the driver's side, he began to speak.

"Why wouldn't you kiss me earlier, Ray? I thought you had feelings for me..." He said, running his fingers over the blade of his knife. Thinking quickly, I said what I thought he wanted to hear.

"Because Daulton, if I had kissed you, I wouldn't want to stop, and we would have been late to the party. Then Alex and Johnny would be mad, and we don't want that, right?" I said, reaching over and touching his arm.

"We could have left them to go to the party by themselves. You didn't have to come tonight Rachel." He said, with anger rising in this voice. I recognized this, because my father was the same way. But I knew how to stop it.

Slowly, I slid over closer to him, and ran my hand down his arm.

"Daulton, I'm sorry I have upset you. If I had known you wanted me to come with you tonight, I wouldn't have came to the party." I said, looking at his drunk expression.

"Then why don't we leave now? We can go back to my house." He said, dropping his knife in the floor board.

"Yes, that's a great idea! Will you come with me to get my clothes?" I asked, hoping he would let me out of the truck.

He slowly opened my door and walked to the porch with me. When I opened the front door, the party was still raging on, with no sight of Johnny or Alex. As he followed me up stairs, I scanned the room for them. At the top of the stairs, I saw Alex holding a tray of drinks. Instantly, he made eye contact with Daulton, and looked back at me.

"Daulton, I'm glad you could make it." He said as he approached us. Daulton's grip on my wrist had gotten tighter, and I let out a small yell.

"Me too. But we don't have much time to talk; Rachel and I were just leaving." He said, walking away from him. When we walked into the room, Alex followed with a small cup of red wine.

"If you two are leaving, you should act least have a drink." Alex said, extending the cup to Daulton.

"Red wine? You know it's my favorite. Why not!" He said, taking one huge sip; swallowing it whole. Within seconds, he fell backwards.

I embraced Alex.

"I was so scared, Alex. He had a knife!" I said, starting to cry.

With his arms around me, he said." Its okay. But we need to hurry. He'll be awake soon."


After finding Johnny, we locked Daulton in the spare room, and left a note on the bed explaining what happened. They explained how when he got drunk, he was like a ticking time bomb. When he woke up, he would be oblivious to what had happened.

When the party ended, we said goodbye to Cassidy, and piled into the car. Through out the car ride, I thought about how lucky I was to have these guys. I know it seemed crazy, but these guys weren't villains or jerks, they were just guys. And plus, it wasn't like my life wasn't too crazy. I had finished online school in two months, and have everything I need. I was finally happy.. For now.

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