Blast from the past

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"RACHEL!" Daulton called from behind the boulder. I ran quickly to him, and held up my paint ball gun in triumph. He smilled, and pointed straight ahead. Infront of me, I saw Johnny walk shyly across the field.

I took my chance, and fired. Three brightly colored paint balls flew out, and shot him right in the chest. Dramatically falling backwards and throwing a hand up in surrender, I ran and took him captive. Daulton laughed, revealing the bright blue mark I had made on his right shoulder. All I needed to do what get Alex, and I win! After explaining to Johnny and Daulton the plan, Johnny walked back toward the entrance.

"OVER HERE!" He yelled, spotting Alex. On his go, Daulton jumped in front of me and escorted me to the scene. Alex, crouched down in a small hole, had is gun aimed high, waiting to shoot anyone who blocked his path.

"Come at me!" I yelled, speeding forward to face him. Fast as lightening, I jumped in front of him and aimed my gun. He jumped out of the hole, and aimed his gun at me. Glaring at him, I  fired the gun before he fired his. Without delay, a bright purple paint ball exploded on his chest, declaring me the victor.

"Good job!" Alex said, running to me and embracing me in a hug. Johnny and Daulton approached us, lifting me in the air and playfully tossing me.

"I let you win." Alex said, driving back home. Daulton and Johnny laughed, nodding in agreement.

"You boys are just jealous that I beat you!" I said, elbowing both of them. It had advantages by sitting in the middle of them.

"Lets just get home so you can get your prize." Alex said, rolling his eyes. When we finally pulled into the drive way, I jumped out and ran to my room.

"What's my prize?!" I asked, jumping up and down on my bed.

"One minute!" Johnny yelled, laughing in my closet.

He walked out, holding a blue box. Inside was a brand new Iphone.

"This for winning a paint ball game?" I asked in shock!

"Well, we were gonna wait until your birthday, but you know.." They said laughing. When I opened it, all the numbers I had on my crappy flip phone were installed.

"Awesome!" I said, sliding the unlock arrow. All my pictures, music, and everything was on it!

"I'm glad you like it!" Alex said.

"I do! Now if you'll excuse me, I need to call Allison.." I said, remembering how I haven't called her since I left home.

After leaving the room, I dialed her number:

Me: Hey Ally!

Allison: Hey! How are you?! I haven't heard from you in forever!

Me: I'm great.. How are you?

Allison: I'm alright! I miss you so much! Everyone at school is talking about it.

Me: Talking about what?

Allison: About you "running away." The school is labeling it that way. The police don't even care. Are you hurt?

Me: No, Ally.. They aren't who you think they are. These guys are amazing!

Allison: Are you DRUGGED?! These guys TOOK you. Surely you're not okay with it!

Me: Well, it isn't like that.. Honest..

Allison: I saw them stuff you in their car like you were a teddy bear! They don't care about you! Have some sense.

Me: They must care. They got me away from my alcoholic dad who beats me. Or did you forget that? They helped me get my diploma two years early. They take good care of me, and we actually have FUN!

Allison: Well.. Uhh..

Me: Forget it. I thought maybe you would wanna come see me but I guess I was wrong about you.

Allison: Wait! So you're not a prisoner?

Me: No. I can come and go as I please. I'm officially emancipated.

Allison: Well. Can I come see you tomorrow?

Me: Sure. And Ally, I miss you.

Allison: I miss you too. Bye, Mandy.

Me: Call me Rachel. I want to go by my middle name.

Allison: No problem. See ya!

-------------> What will happen when ally sees Mandy? Is she going to convince her to leave? <------

Game Over.[FINISHED!!!!!]Where stories live. Discover now