Sassy Cassy

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Cassidy was nothing I expected her to be. She stood out from the minute I shook her hand. Although she was pretty, she was a plump women with dark red hair. Her smile seemed fake, as she spoke my name with a sinister tone of voice. Johnny and Alex seemed distracted, laughing at the smallest things in Cassidy's house.

She may not have looked it, but she was literally made of money. Her house, a three story one, was filled with designer and specially made furniture and artwork. Her back yard consisted of an ground hot tub, along with a crystal swimming pool. The reason of her being so wealthy was because of her father; owner of Wendy's cooperation.

"Welcome back to my estate, brothers. Nice to see you again cousin Dalton. Nice to meet you, Reagan,"She said, glaring at me,

"Its Rachel.." I said.

"Yeah, of course Rina, Anyways, the party starts at seven. That gives us three hours to prepare and finish the decorations. If they're not done in three hours, the party will be a flop and you will not be welcome in this house again. Understand?"  Cassidy said, looking sharply at me. I'm starting to get the feeling she doesn't like me very much.

"Come with me, and I'll show you around." Johnny said, whispering to me. His expressionless face glared at me with an emptiness I never realized before. I truly hurt him.

We walked up the stairs and he showed m where Cassidy's room was, where the party would be, and where I could find a bathroom. While he was trying to explain how Cassidy got her ceiling designed, I stopped him mid sentence.

"Johnny, I'm sorry I hurt you. I never meant to cause any pain. I don't want Dalton. I never have, and never will. I.." But before I could explain any further, Johnny leaned in and kissed me tenderly.

"I forgive you. Really, it's okay. I can promise you Dalton won't lay a finger on you again unless you choose so." As Johnny spoke, I noticed a change in his voice. He no longer had a sad front, his voice had a little bit happier tone. He smiled at me and we walked back down the stairs.

----------------------------> STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!<-----------------------------------------

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