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The three days I spent with Daulton were pleasant. We cuddled, watched movies, and just had fun, but my mind wouldn't stop wondering to my other two boys. So after deciding three days were enough, I called up Alex and told him I was coming home. Johnny and he was very pleased, and decided to throw a party.

"Beautiful!" Alex said, running up to me and lifting me to the air. I giggled, and embraced Johnny in a tight hug.

"Are you okay?" Johnny asked, nuzzling my neck.

"Yeah!" I said, walking back over to Daulton and gave him a hug.

"These couple of days have been great.." I whispered in his ear, sneaky kissing his neck.

"I hope for more..." He whispered in mine, kissing my neck as well.

I bid fare well to Daulton, and Alex invited him to the party. When we got home, all three of us started getting ready.

"Wear this!" Johnny said, carrying a dress for me to wear.

"Where did this come from?" I asked, setting the dress on my bed.

"I bought it yesterday.." Johnny said, smiling shyly.

"I'll be sure to wear it. Thank you." I said, kissing him lightly on the cheek. He retreated up stairs, and I cut on my radio.

I am such a scatter brain. My mind wouldn't let me rest, thinking of all the great qualities the guys had. Alex, adventurous bad boy. Johnny, sweet semi perfect boyfriend material. Daulton, snuggle bunny. I started dancing to "Work Out", and I didn't even realize the hands on my waist.

"Oh.. How long have you been here?" I asked, spinning around to see who those hands belonged to.

"Just a littlr bit. I like watching you dance." Alex said, soaking up the image of me.

"You need some practice!" I said, putting my arms around his neck. We swayed back and forth, until a fast part came on. He then grabbed my hands, and twirled me around in a circle.

"You're pretty good!" I laughed, falling against his chest.

"You need some practice!" He said, tossing me out.

"So why did you come in here?" I asked, falling back on my bed. He sat down next to me, and handed me a pair of shoes.

"I bought you these earlier. Wear them?" He asked, handing me the shoes.

"Thanks! I love them!" I said, jumping in his lap and hugged him.

"Get ready!" He said, playfully tapping my arm. He left, and I called up Allison.


Allison: Rachel.. I'm so sorry!

Me: No. I called to invite you to a party tonight.

Allison: But I was supposed to hang out with Lulu...

Me: Bring her with you. Alex is gonna be here.

Allison: About that, it won't happen again. I'm so so sorry.

Me: Save it. Just get your butt here tonight!

Allison: Okay.


"HURRY!" Alex yelled.

I ran up stairs to him, and smiled as he took in my appearance. He was wearing a black button up, and dark jeans. He was definitely Calvin Klein material.

"Wow.." He said, admiring my look. I had to admit, I looked good.

"You too!" I said, smiling at him.

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