The last dance

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                "Chop chop, Rachel!" Cassy yelled to me. She was busy fixing the table cloth and silverware for the party. In an hour from now, the party's supposed to be starting. I had finished decorating the second floor with ease, while Johnny and Alex covered the third floor. Cassy was doing the whole bottom floor herself, and none of us have stopped to take a break.

                 "Yes ma'am." I politely called to her. I was trying my best to get on her good side. Once we got to Cassy's, Daulton has been out of sight. I think he's still mad about earlier, and I know Johnny and Alex aren't very big fans of him right now.

                     "Rachelllllllllllllll! Get up here right now! It's very important!" Aex and Johnny yelled from the upstairs ballroom.

              I hurried as fast as I could up the white staircase. When I got to the top, Alex through me over his shoulder and ran into the ballroom with me. Johnny was waiting with a stereo in hand and a small CD.

                     "Whats going on you guys?" I asked. They both were grinning ear to ear.

              "We're gonna teach you how to dance." And with that, Johnny turned up the stereo to the song he just put in. First, it was a soft, Waltz dancing. Without recognising, a salsa tune started playing and Alex tossed me to Johnny. Johnny taught me how to salsa, and things were really starting to heat up, We went on like that for a while, until all three of us were laughing so hard and exhausted from dancing that we fell in the floor.

             "You DEFINATELY have two left feet! I'm glad we actually know how to dance!" Johnny said, smiling and giggling.

                 "You sure said it there, bro!" Alex said, laughing in unision with his cousin.

            "You guys shut it! Actleast I know how to decorate better!" They had tried to decorate the ballroom, but I could tell the ribbons and streamers were about to fall down. The chairs were misplaced, and the table cloths were crooked.

               "That's because you're a girl!" They laughed and smiled at me. It has turned out to be a pretty good day. I checked my watch and it said we had thirty minutes. We jumped up and ran to the three rooms Cassy had assigned us. On each bed was dressy attire which I assumed was meant for us to wear. I quickly slipped into an elegant, long dress.

                 It was a Cinderella style dress you could only see in movies. It was very tight fitting around the breast/waist area. It was a sweetheart style, with small sparkles. Once the dress hit my waist, it flew out into a huge circle around me. The bodice was very light and fluffy, feeling like you were wearing a sheet of feathers. It was a light purple color, and looked beautiful on me. I tried to curl my hair as fast as I could, and managed to get in a lot of tight curls.

               "Knock knock! Its party o'clock!" Alex yelled. He opened the door, only to have his jaw drop when his eyes met mine.

                   "Stunning, stunning. I must say, someone knows how to dress up!" He said, his eyes taking in everything he saw.

                  I actually felt beautiful. Johnny appeared behind him, both of them wearing matching black tuxedos with a red rose pin. It looked like we were going to a very fancy party.

                "Lets go guys!" I yelled at them. They seemed to be in a daze as we crept down to the first floor to help finish putting out the trays of small food. Cassy was dressed in a slinky, tight fitting green dress that gave her a skinny allusion. Her hair and her eyes popped with the dress, and she smiled a crooked, devilish grin at me.

                "Going to the ball?" She asked, in a smartellic tone.

                 "Of course! You did pick this out for me." I said, winking and smiling MY smile. I have a signature smile. It's the smile you see in moves like Mean Girls. The smile that says I'm badder then you; obey me sorta thing. After we put out the trays, Cassy told us names of visitors and things we need to do once the party gets started. Pretty soon everyone started piling in in dresses more expensive and bigger then mine.

            "Good evening Ladies and Gents! Come on in." Alex and Johnny said, as they smiled they're crooked grins and shook a couple of hands. I led a few people to the snack bar and socialized with a couple of gorgeous teens. The guys seemed to compliment my on my smile, while their dates gave me an awful glare and tossed their hair to the side.

                     "My oh my, you look good tonight.." A voice said in my ear. I glanced over my shoulder, and Daulton was standing behind me. He was dressed in some dirty jeans and a button up, his hair slicked back. One hand was on my wrist, while the other was in his pocket, gripping something.

                     "I might could say the same for you, if you wouldn't have made such a scene earlier." I said, rolling my eyes at him and began to step forward. But as I took a step, something sharp poked gently into my back.

                     "Might not want to move any further, Princess. It might not help you very much." He said, in a rough, musky tone. It was then I noticed the smell of his breathe; reeking of beer. Daulton was drunk. And now he was going to hurt me.

                    "What is it you want, Daulton?" I asked, dashing my eyes around the room for help. The rest of the room was oblivious to me, all talking in their own little circles and smiling at each other. No one had noticed Daulton holding me against him, with a small pocket knife wedged into my back, ready to stab me any minute.

                      "I want you to listen to me, for just a minute. Can we talk outside?" He asked, raising his voice a little. He seemed pretty ancy, so I decided it was best i listened to him.

                       "Yes. Anything you want." I said, trying to flash him a smile. I spotted Johnny and Alex, talking to Cassy and trying to find something. I figured if something was to happen outside, they would hear me.

                          "Lets go then." He said, locking my hand with his and putting the pocket knife back into his pocket. As he lead me to the garden door, I looked at Alex and Johnny intensely; not knowing if I would ever see them again.

-----------Hey guys! I worked a little harder on this chapter! Please let me know whatcha think!----------

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