Welcome Back!

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The car slowly pulled into the gravel driveway, showing the house I had began to like. Alex cut the ignition and slowly got out of the driver's seat. After opening my back door, slowly he embraced me and ushered me back into the house.

"You ready to go inside?" He asked, smiling at me reassuringly. You could tell he was nervous for me.

"I guess I have no choice." I smiled back, taking a deep breath and turning the metal door knob.

As the door creaked open, Johnny's sulking from my downstairs room was the first thing I heard. Oh gosh! We had forgot to call him back!

"Johnny? Is that you?" I asked. What a dumb question; Alex and I both know it's him.

"Rachel?" I could hear him say, drying up his tears and rushing upstairs to make sure it was me. When he saw me smiling, his smile returned and Alex and I followed him back downstairs.

"I was fixing your room.. Just incase." He said, mumbling the last part. But he wasn't lying; he had been hard at work. Sweat was still pouring from his face.

Along the side of the stairs, Johnny had installed a dark brown, wooden bar to hold onto while walking down the stairs; which he had put purple carpet down the middle. When we reached my room, I was shocked.

Somehow., he had transformed that small, simple room into a dream room. A queen, canopy blue bed was in the corner of the room, with a pink night stand next to it. A plain white dresser was at the other wall of the room, filled with new clothes he had just bought. The room was amazing.

I sat down on my bed, admiring the poster he had put up of Taylor Swift(my favorite singer) and feeling the new rug her had put down across the floor. Along with all the new things, a flat screen tv was mounted on the wall, along with tons of movies. This room was a dream come true.

" This is truly amazing, Johnny. How did you do it all!" I asked, excited and smiling as wide as I could.

"Well I did have some help.." He said, laughing. After he finished his statement, Dalton,shirtless and looking very tired, stepped out of my new closet, and came over to my bed to adjust my alarm clock.

"Thank you guys, so much. This is the beat thing I have ever had!"  

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"Come on, Rachel! Your taking FOREVER!" The guys yelled to me from the upstairs living room.

"I'm TRYING guys! You don't want me swimming without my bathing suit, do you?!" I yelled, trying to stall some time.

I've never really been confident in my body, so wearing the blue two piece bathing suit the guys had bought me was giving mr shakes. Sure, I was skinny and I did look pretty nice, but it wasn't how skinny I was that made me not want to wear a two piece; it was my scars.

Back home, my dad was a raging alcoholic. Every night, he would drink until the whole 12 pack was gone. Like clock work, he was slam the edge of his glass bottles and cut me on my stomach and legs, while calling me ugly and worthless. I still have lots of visible scars, and it makes me nervous about showing off my body.

"Ok guys." I called to them, walking up the stairs. To lighten the mood, Dalton, Alex, Johnny, and I were going swimming at the lake near the house. When I walked in, all three breath taking guys were standing there, shirtless and smiling.

"Nice." Johnny said , smiling shyly.

"Lookin good, Princess!!" Alex smirked, running up to me and Slinging his arm around my waist. He winked., and pulled me to the guys.

"Alex, how many times do I gotta say this? She's not into you!" Dalton said jokingly. Afterwards, Alex apologized and threw his hands up like he wasn't guilty.

"Let's go!" I yelled, trying to stop the jealousy. These guys were a handful.

"Your sitting by me in the car." Dalton whispered in my ear as we walked out the door. Alex was driving again, and Johnny grabbed the passenger seat. Dalton and I tried to squeeze in the back, although that didn't work very well.

While Alex and Johnny were singing carelessly to songs on the radio, Dalton and I talked.

"So Rachel, how did you get to be so pretty?" Dalton asked, smiling at me.

"Ha, thank you but I don't think I'm all that pretty." I said, blushing.

"Well sure you are." He said, grabbing my hand.

"Well umm.. I Uhh.." I stuttered. What could I say?

"The lake!!" Alex and Johnny yelled, causing Dalton and I to jerk our heads forward. Although there were no people there, the lake was just as beautiful as I imagined.

We parked the car beside a tree, and got out of the car slowly. Alex, Dalton, Johnny, and I were standing close together, gazing at the lake. After I took a picture with my blue camera. Alex and Johnny raced to see who could jump in first.

"So, ready to get in?" Dalton asked me. He had put his arm around my shoulders, and was standing very close to me.

"I guess.." I said, ready to jump in. Dalton was starting to creep me out a tad bit.

"Alright then." He said , smiling and kissed me in the cheek. After kissing me, we raced into the water where Alex and Johnny were horse playing.

"Look who it is!" Alex proclaimed, yelling across the lake and pulling me in by my arms.

After swimming around and playing a few water games, we got back to the car soaking wet, Luckily, he guys had brought their towels, except I had forgot mine. After a few minutes of arguing, Alex decided he got to share his towel with me while Dalton drove back.

"Got enough room?" Alex asked, laughing. To try to stay as still as possible and not wet the car, I was forced to sit in Alex's lap and lay my torso against his to wrap the towel all the way around us. My head was on his shoulder, and every time we had a turn in the road, the side of my head would slam against his neck.

"Very funny." I said, and then I laughed.

"You have a good time?" Alex asked, moving his arms around my stomach to try to steady me. He smiled and kissed the top of my head.

"I guess....." I said, shuttering. My stomach was clenching, and my head was starting to spin. What was I feeling?

"Is this okay?" He asked me, but before I could respond, he planted a kiss on my lips!

"We're home!" Johnny yelled. As we got out of the car, Johnny embraced me with his towel, since we has nearly dry and the wind was blowing.

"Goodnight, my darling." Dalton said, smiling at me and waving to his cousins.

Alex had already ran upstairs to get a shower, so Johnny led me to my room in utter silence.

"We need to talk, you know." He said, talking in a low voice.

"Go ahead." I said, sitting laying on my bed next to him.

"I'm sorry for lying to you, it as wrong of me. But I'm glad you decided to come back. And I know you like Dalton and Alex, because I saw you kiss them.." He said. But before he could finish, I jumped onto him and kissed him.

"I didn't kiss anyone, they kissed me. Your the only person I kissed because I wanted to." I was still in shock of what I did, but Johnny didn't seem to notice. 

"You need a shower. There's another shower upstairs near my room if you would like to use it. Until then, wanna watch a movie?" He asked, smiling at me. After I agreed, he picked out a scary one and we settled on my bed to watch it. The last thing I thought I remembered was Johnny, leaning against me, tucking me in and hearing him say,"Rachel, I love you."

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Hi guys! Sorry! I've been super busy lately. And I admit, I've had a bit of author's block. :/ But I uploaded! :D Btw, please check out a few of my other stories! I'll update sooner If you do! Lots of love, (:

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