One big happy family.. Again.

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Alex's POV

When I opened Cassidy's door, the aftermath of the party was still evident. Cups, plates, shoes, clothes, and even wallets were spread around the room, with several maids trying to clean everything up. I hollered for Cas, but I didn't see her anywhere. Without recognition, my thoughts traveled to Rachel. Man, she's a doll. Yeah, she can be a handful, but the way it felt holding her in my arms last night felt to right.

"He's in here!" Cassidy motioned to a small room on the left. She was holding a milkshake, and holding the key to unlock the door. I walked over to her, trying to ignore the sound of my converse squeaking.

"Has he woke up?" I asked, looking into the hole of the lock.

"Unfortunately. He won't stop yelling." She said, rolling her eyes. She was as annoyed by him as I was.

After handing me the key, she began to walk away.

"Hey, where's Johnny and Rachel?" She said, smiling a devilish grin.

"At the house." I said, trying not become enraged in jealousy.

"Better watch out for him," She said. "He wants her too, Alex. And he's determined."

Shrugging her off, I began to pick the lock with the old key. It didn't matter what Johnny thought anyways. He knows she wants me way more then she wants him. It's actually pathetic how he walks around moping because she doesn't want him.

"ALEX WHAT IN THE.." Daulton began as I walked in the room.

"You almost killed Rachel."  I said, making his jaw drop.

"You had a pocket knife. You were going to stab her." His face was priceless.

"Is she okay? I didn't mean to..." He said, shaking his head in disbelief

Without warning, I grabbed him by his neck and slammed his head into the wall.

"If you touch her again, weather sober or not, I swear to you, I will kill you." Without giving him a chance to explain, I continued."If you would have saw the tears she had because of you, you would understand. If she wouldn't have been smart enough to calm you down, she would be dead." I squeezed a little tighter, then released him.

"'I... I'm sorry..." He chocked out, trying to gain his breath back.

"You better be. Now come on, you're going to apologize to her. Now." I said, slamming the door behind us.

Rachel's POV

Johnny's been gone for over three hours. The house is so quiet, it's a little scary. Where ever he was, I hoped he would hurry. Slowly, I got up and walked down stairs to my room. My warm bed welcomed me back, and after crawling back in, I was perfectly comfortable. But right before I fell asleep, I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Rachel? Johnny? Anyone home? Put your clothes back on!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Down here!" I yelled, smiling. Alex was back!

"Are you decent?" He asked, yelling.

"Define decent!" I yelled, laughing.

"Preferable clothes.." He said, but this time I heard two voices laughing.

In walked in the devil. Walking arm in arm, Daulton and Alex were in front of me.

"Calm down gorgeous. He came to apologize." Alex said, slapping Daulton roughly on the back. After walking out of the room, I moved closer to my bedpost while he approached me.

"Hey..." He said, looking around the room. "This is awkward."

"Just a little. It's not like you almost killed me or anything." I said, trembling. This is two bad experiences with him.

"I don't know where to start, but sorry. I went drinking after we got to Cas's house. I don't know, I went a little over board. I was really upset, okay? And when I get upset and drink, things get out of hand. I'm not going to drink anymore though. I'm done with it." He started to tear up, and I did something that surprised me.

I reached out and wiped the tears away.

"Don't start crying. I'm okay, aren't I?" I said, smiling. Even if Daulton was a horn dog and a bad drinker, I can't help but have sympathy for him. He's just as stuck in this love triangle as me.

"I really have a lot to be apologizing for. I'm not this major pervert or jerk like I play off; I'm actually just intimidated by Alex and Johnny." He said, slapping his mouth to cover his lips. He was embarrassed he actually said it.

"Ha, its okay." I said, smiling.

"I promise, I'll be my real self. I'll quit trying to impress you or man up against the guys." He said, looking down at the hardwood floor.

"Aright." I said, getting out of bed and giving him a friendly hug. At that moment, Alex walked in.

"DAULTON GET OFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, jumping the last three steps and tackling Daulton to the floor.

"WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT HER!!!!" He said, trying to hit the squirming Daulton under him.

"ALEX! IT'S OKAY! I GAVE HIM A HUG!" I yelled, trying to calm him down.

At that moment, Johnny walked in..

"DAULTON WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" Johnny yelled, dog piling on Alex and Daulton.

"GUYYYYS!" I yelled! Daulton was trying to explain to Alex, who was trying to slap him. Johnny was trying to hold down Daulton, and yell to me that I'm not going to be getting hurt today. The whole scene was so funny, that I just gave up on trying to persuade them and got back on my bed to laugh at them.

"Rachel explain!!!!!!"


"Rachel don't worry! I won't let him near you!"


"No worries Rachel! He ain't going anywhere!!!!"



"Rachel we got him good!!"



"Shut up big dog!!! Rachel, I promise he isn't getting loose until we get to hit him!"

Days like this make me realize what a mess of guys I put up with.

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