The new Guy

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Rachel's POV

When Johnny opened the door, I was shocked at how formal they had transformed a simple living room. The crystal chandelier hung over a very large table; decorated with a white table cloth and expensive cutlery. The walls were painted a deep blue, with snowflakes printed on the floor and walls alike. The floor had green rugs that looked almost like grass, and the rugs had a slight touch of white to them. The theme seemed to be winter; which is my favorite season.

"Do you like the interior? We tried out best to pull everything together." Johnny whispered in my ear. Alex had ran off doing God knows what, so that meant Johnny and I had to greet the guests. He led me to the entrance; that had a red carpet leading into the house from outside the door. We were to welcome anyone who walked through the door and take their coats or jackets they may have brought.

In about an hour, all the guests were present. Most of the guests were around our age, but they usually brought a date with them. I tried to remember as many names a possible, but one name stood out to me. While Johnny was helping Alex assign chairs around the large dinner table, I was assigned the job to welcome people. For a while, it seemed like no one else was going to come in; considering that we already had almost seventy guests present. But as Johnny was coming back to the door, a very handsome teen walked through the door.

"Good evening, sir. My name is Rachel, and I am Co- Hosting this party. May I take your coat?" I said, putting on my sweet voice and trying not to stare. The teen was wearing a black suit, with a red striped tie. His hair was a glossy blonde, and he had gorgeous abnormally blue eyes. He smiled at me.

"No thank you, Miss Rachel. I'm Daulton; Johnny and Alex's cousin. I live a few roads down. We'll be seeing eachother often; I hope." He said, kissing my hand tenderly.

"Hey Rach! Daulton! Glad to see you again, Cuz!" Alex yelled as he and Johnny began walking towards us.

"Cousins! Who is this lovely door keeper?" Daulton asked, smiling a lot.

"She's a VERY close friend of ours," Alex said; emphasizing the very part,"She lives with us now."

"Enough talking guys! Lets have a seat and eat!" Johnny said, trying to make the awkwardness go away.

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After we ate the three course meal, we all went outside to the patio to talk and dance. I danced a little bit with all three boys, and at the end of the night, Daulton had been my new friend. After all the guests had left, Daulton hugged me and said goodnight. Apparently, he was coming back over tomorrow to spend time with his cousins.

"Did you have fun, Rachel?" Alex asked me while we were cleaning up the basement. Johnny had went out to the only store he knew was open at two am, Walmart, to buy a few thing to make the basement a little more like home. Alex and I were tidying things up a little, and trying to make space.

"I guess.." I said, very quietly. I wasn't sure how Alex and I stood. It was like I was scared of him, but at times he seemed very nice; like I could be comfortable around him.

"Rachel, I want to apologize for this whole deal. I feel like a terrible person. I took you from your family, friends, and life. I'm very sorry. If you want to go back home, you can." This shocked me. It shocked me more then anything else that has happened here. Should I go home? What's waiting for me back home? A drunk ,abusive father and a workaholic mother? I was just starting to like it here.

"Actually Alex, I was starting to like it here. There's nothing home for me anyway. As long as I can still see a few friends, I want to stay," I said boldly.

"Do you mean that? If you stay, I will try not to hurt you. I was so stressed when we first.. It wasn't even my idea to take you though; it was Johnny's. He thought we needed a girl to start over with, and he thought you would be perfect He planned taking you; I just went along with the plan. He;'s  a scary guy if he doesn't get what he wants." Alex said, looking me straight in the eyes.

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Hiya Guys! SOOORRRRYYY I haven't uploaded. I've been busy with my Aunt;'s Wedding! (I'm a bridesmaid :D ) What did you think of this chapter?! Shocker isn't it!! Who's team are you on? Team Alex, Johnny, or  the new guy Daulton!

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