Chapter 6

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The next morning, after Owen and I said our goodbyes to friends and family, we drove to the airport and left for Fort Benning, Georgia. Only God knows how long we were flying, I didn't though, I was asleep the whole time.

Once we had landed, we went to the baggage claim, picked up our bags, and then we waited for someone to pick us up. It actually didn't take long for a soldier to walk up to us.

"Hey! Bobby!" Rj jumped up and he held his hand out for a high five.

Bobby just ignored him and walked straight for Owen and I

"Mr and Mrs.Grady?" He asked, clasping his hands behind his back. The serious look on his face didn't really make him look very friendly, so I just nodded.

"I'll be taking you to your barracks." He told us and before spinning around and walking away. "Follow me."

I quickly followed after him and Owen followed closely behind, each of us pulling our luggage behind us. We eventually made it to a shiny black SUV and climbed in. I grabbed Owens hand and gave it a squeeze, trying to ease my worry. Owen looked down at me and he gave me a small smile.

"Everything is going to be fine." He leaned down and whispered into my ear.

"I know." I replied with a sigh. "I just... I have a feeling."

"Ma'am." I looked up to Bobby. "With all due respect, you will always have a soldier by your side. You will be protected."

I gave Bobby a thankful smile and leaned my head on to Owens shoulder. If Bobby thought that I was worried about myself, he was totally wrong.


We soon arrived at Fort Benning, and it was really busy. Soldiers running around for training, Commanders yelling at the new recruits. It was crazy! Bobby lead us to one of the commanding officers office, and we sat down.

"You guys don't have to worry." Rj turned to us and spoke. "My boss make sure everything goes fine."

"You had better hope so." Owen stated as he gave him a pointed look.

"Hey, I'm a man of my word." Rj responded as he held up his hands in surrender.

"Sergeant Smith will see you now." A woman soldier spoke as she held open a door for us.

As we all stood up, Owen grabbed my hand and we all walked forward and into the room. Once we entered the room, Rj held his arms wide open.

"Boss man!" Rj ran over to the desk. "How's everything going?"

"All is well, Rj." Sergeant Smith spoke before turning to Owen and I. "I hope you made it here well."

"Well, we are here in one piece." Owen spoke and he gestured to himself.

I elbowed him lightly in the stomach and turned to Sergeant Smith with a small smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Sir." I spoke as I held out my hand. "I'm Erin Grady."

Sergeant Smith stood up and he firmly shook my hand. "You too, Mrs. Grady."

"So, when do I get to show them around?" Rj interrupted out greeting and we gave a small jump. I forgot that he was in here, oops.

"Later on, but right now we need to show them what they'll be..." A frown appeared on Smiths face. "working with."

I gave Owen a questioning look, but he just shrugged. I turned back to Smith and went to speak, but he interrupted me.

"Lieutenant Jones will show you the lab, and the doctors that you will be working with." Smith pointed to the lady that had let us in. "I do hope that you can help us."

"We'll see what we can do." Owen spoke as he nodded his head.

"Jones." Smith spoke and he waved his head, as well as waving her in.

Jones gave a nod as well and she turned around to the door. "Right this way."

Owen and I walked out of the door and Jones closed it behind her. Rj had to stay back and talk to Sergeant Smith. Jones then lead us out of the office and right into a nearby building. When we walked in, I was appalled.

The dinosaurs were sectioned off into different parts of the room. I spotted a 'doctor' bending over a Microceratus that had wires connected all over. A loud screech was heard and I saw two more 'doctors' cornering a baby Pachyecphalosarus into a corner, each of them holding a syringe.

"Hey!' I yelled as I ran over to them. "Stop it!" I swung my fist and hit a doctor right in the jaw.

I pushed the other back and grabbed the baby, cradling it in my arms. I looked up and glared at the doctor. "What the actual fuck are you doing?!" I exclaimed.

"You're not allowed in here! Guards!" A doctor yelled as he helped the one that I punched in the face up.

"Hey now, there no need for that." Owen sternly stated and he showed the 'doctors' our pass.

I looked back down at the baby Pachyecphalosaurus and stood up again. I glared heavily at the doctors once more and set the baby down. She let out a scared and tired screech as I did so. I gently rubbed her chin and grabbed a few berries, holding them out for her to eat.

"Its alright." I cooed. "You're fine, those men won't hurt you anymore." I whispered softly.

A hand was placed on to my shoulder and I saw Owen staring down at me. He pulled up a chair and sat down.

"How could they do this?" I shakily asked as I looked around the lab with sadness and anger.

"I don't know." Owen sighed and he shook his head. "But we will end this."

Suddenly, someone burst through the doors. "What in the hell is going on in here?!"

I looked at the person in shook and stood up. "What are you doing here!"

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