Chapter 23 Pt1

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*Erin POV*

Today was the day. Today, the group and I were going to put Smith away for good, and hopefully Dr. Wu along with him. Sergeant Major Robins finally arrived today, and now all we had to do was wait for her to settle in, or whatever she had left to do.

"You sure you want to do this?" Alice asked as she walked up to me, and a flash of nervousness ran through her eyes.

We had all gathered in the room at the back of the lab, just to go over a few things.

"I'm sure." I told her with a nod. "This is the only way to stop him from doing anything else."

"Okay." She nodded and she smiled at me. "I'm with you, we all are."

I looked at the group and nodded my head. Owen placed a hand on to my shoulder and he pressed kissed to the top of my head. "This is it." He whispered.

"Yeah." I gave him a smile. "This is it."

A knock was heard on the door and I turned my head to see Rj standing there with Sergeant Robins.

"Erin Grady." Robins walked in front of me. "I do hope that you know what you're doing."

"I'm do." I told her with a small nod. "Smith has done some very bad things, and if we don't confront him," I let out a sigh and shook my head. "I don't even want to know."

Robins looked at my group and I before she nodded her head. "I'll take your word for it. I never trusted Smith."

I offered Robins a smile and turned back to face everyone. "Guys, you've all done wonderful work, and I'm proud to say that I worked with you." I smiled at everyone. "Now, lets go kick some ass."

"Hell yeah!" Zach exclaimed and he punched the air.


*3rd POV*

Smith jumped in the air when Erin Grady stormed into his office, her team trailing behind her. What he didn't expect to see was Samantha Robins.

"W–what is going on here?" Smith questioned, looking around at everyone in utter confusion.

"We're putting an end to your schemes." Erin snarled and she grabbed on to Smiths collar, throwing him out of the office and into the hallway.

"What are you talking about?"

"We know that your sending those dinosaurs to different countries." Owen spoke up and he tossed the files that they had on to the ground.

"Those were my orders." Smith stated and he stood up. "It's my job."

"Orders from Dr. Henry Wu." Claire stated and she crossed her arms.

"H– how do you know that?" Smith stuttered in shock as he looked at the group with wide eyes. "Who told you that?"

"We have our ways." Alice smirked

"Just get on with it." Robins demanded with an annoyed expression and she crossed her arms.

"What are you doing here?" Smith growled as he glared heavily at Robins.

"Waiting for you to get what you deserve." Robins seethed and she nodded at Erin to continue.

"We have evidence that you have been talking to, as well as working with Dr. Henry Wu." Erin stated and she walked forward, holding out a few files. "The man responsible for both the Indominus Rex and the Jurassic World incident."

Smith placed his hands on his hips and shook his head, letting out a laugh. "So what? That's not gonna do anything." Smith stated.

"You're right, that won't." Erin stated with a smirk and she nodded at Zach. "But this might."

Zach walked out from behind the group and handed Smith a file, while Gray handed Robins a copy of the same file. A file that held the information of Amelia Smiths death. Smith looked at the folder with confusion, but opened it anyway.

"What are you gonna do?" Smith let out a bitter laugh. "Make me confess to something I didn't even do by showing me my wifes death?" Fake tears came to Smiths eyes.

"What are you guys doing?" Robins grabbed Alice's shoulder. "This is just a dead end. People have already looked into this case."

"No it isn't." Alice stated as she shook her head. "Just listen."

"We have solid evidence that showed a Mr. Doug Smith leaving the house exactly ten minutes before the fire started." Erin spoke as she walked up to Smith, shoving a finger in his face. "You were there the night of the fire, you killed Amelia, you killed your own wife."

Smith let out an angry huff and he shoved Erin back. "You dare accuse me of killing my wife!" He exclaimed. "I loved her!"

"Exactly, you loved her. Past tense." Erin nodded at Owen as he helped her up. "We all know why Doug, just give it up, you killed her."

"Why would I kill her?" Smith asked and he looked around at the group. "She was my wife!"

By now, most of the people in the building had heard the commotion and were crowding around the group.

"Boss, just give it up." A random soldier spoke up.

"Shut up!" Smith yelled and he threw a punch towards the soldiers jaw.

Owen yanked Erin behind his back and he stood in front of her protectively. Smith turned around and he faced the group with angry, wild eyes.

"She deserved it" Smith screamed.

The group looked at each other before turning to Smith with wide eyes and triumphant glances.

"That bitch deserved everything that she got!"


No joke guys, I've had so much time on my hands the last few days that all I've done is write and nap. And speaking of writing, the new book that I'm writing, based on the TV series The Flash, will be posted once this book is finished. So keep an eye out for that!

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