Chapter 10

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*Erin POV*

I fell onto the couch with a tired sigh and closed my eyes. I had just finished my last session for the day, and it was 5:30. After this very long, and tiring day, I do believe that I deserve to have a nice relaxing bath. I could probably skip dinner, they'd probably let me grab a snack before bed I'm sure.

I slowly stood up, heading towards the bathroom and I turned the hot water on, letting it fill up the small bathtub. After adding a fair amount of soup and checking the temperature, I stripped my clothes and climbed in. I let out a sigh of relief and closed my eyes as the warm water washed away all of the grim and dirt.

"Erin?" A muffled voice was heard through the door.

"In here!" I called.

Footsteps found their way to the bathroom and a knock was soon heard.

"You in there?" I heard Owen ask from outside the door.

"Yeah, you can come in." I stated as I sunk down a bit, letting the bubbles come to my collarbones.

Owen cracked open the door and slipped inside, shutting the door behind him. When he turned around, he let out a snort and shook his head.

"What?" I questioned, tilting my head as I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You have enough bubbles in there?" He asked and he looked back at the tub.

I had put enough bubbles in the bath. It was enough to cover my entire body and flood over the edge of the tub a bit. I nodded my head, and I sunk down till the water touched the tip of my nose.

"You tired?" Owen asked as he pulled a stool up close to the tub and sat down.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I leaned my head against the rim of the tub. "Very tired."

Owen rolled the sleeves of his shirt up and he stuck his hands in the water. I grabbed one of his hands and gave his a small smile, though I doubted that he could see it. He reached over and grabbed my shoulders, pulling me over so that I was now sitting in front of him.

He gently ran his hands over my shoulders and the base of my neck, applying pressure every now and then. I closed my eyes and rested my head against the rim again as he gently massaged my shoulders.

"Thanks." I mumbled and I peeled my eyes open, staring up into Owens eyes.

Owen smiled down at me and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. As he pulled away, a tingling sensation was left on my lips. It was still the same. Even after kissing him millions of times, it still felt the same. Magical.

"Let me finished my bath, then we'll go to bed." I softly told him as I grabbed the shampoo bottle off of a small shelf.

Owen nodded his head and he pressed another kiss to my damp cheek. He stood up and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I quickly washed my hair and body, drying off as fast as I could. I just wanted to spend time with Owen. Maybe sleep for the rest of the year.


We had to wake up early the next morning. Same as we did the day before. If the days ahead of us kept turning out like this, I think it was a bad idea to accepts this job. I'd much rather swim with the killer whales than work with soldiers who knew next to nothing about dinosaurs.

But, I couldn't judge them, they never studied dinosaurs before, so I didn't expect to be working with a paleontologist.

I let out a sigh and grabbed a pen from a nearby soldier. "No, the Parasaurolophus belongs in the Ornithischia order."

The soldier nodded and quickly corrected his mistake. Normally, I would've been really patient with my 'students', but this was the third time I had corrected him. I let out a shrill whistle and the soldiers looked up at me.

"Okay, this session is over." I told them sharply. "Please, don't forget bring in your report on the Pachycephalosaurus!" I exclaimed as the soldiers walked out of the room.

I rubbed a hand over my face, running the same hand through my hair. I put a few binders in my shoulder bag and walked out of the hall. I felt like I was a teacher in high school, though that'd probably be easier.

"Hey! Erin!" I turned my head when I heard my name, and I saw Rj running towards me.

"Hey, Rj." I greeted him with a nod and a tired smile.

"How'd class go?"

"Well, it could've gone better." I told him. "But these guys have never studied dinosaurs before."

"That's true." Rj nodded. "So, where you headed now?"

"To the lab."

"To see Halo?"

I nodded my head and opened the door to the 'study hall' we were in.  I sucked in a breathe of the summer air and let out a sigh.

"I've got to go." Rj stated before he waved as he walked away.

I waved my hand in a goodbye as well and I them made my way over to the lab, but I was soon stopped by a soldier grabbing my shoulder.

"Mrs. Grady, Sergeant Smith would like to speak to you."

"Can it wait." I state and I shrugged the womens hand off. "I've got some place to be."

"He says its urgent."

I stopped in my tracks and let out a sigh. I slowly turned around and narrowed my eyes at the persistent soldier before nodding my head.

"Lead the way." I sarcastically said as I held my hand out in front of me.

The soldier turned around and walked away with me following in her steps. Sergeant Smith had better hope that whatever he wants is important, or so help me I just may punch someone.

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