Chapter 13

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GIANT WARING: This chapter contains mature(ish) stuff. So please proceed with caution. You can consider it smut or whatever. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

*Owen POV*

This past week was one of the most stressful weeks ever. If anything, I'd rather be back on the island being chased by another rouge dinosaur. Not trying to teach soldiers how to work with dinosaurs. That's right, Sergeant Smith somehow got us to get the soldiers in with the dinosaurs early.

Erin wasn't very happy about that, and frankly, neither was I. I mean, guess the soldiers were working well with them, but someone was going to slip up. It was only a matter of time.

Right now though, it was Erin and mine's day off. Erin was still asleep when I woke up, so I let her sleep, she needed it. I was heading in the direction of the cafeteria right now. I was hungry, don't judge.

"Owen, hey." Rj walked up to me and he slapped a hand on to my shoulder.

I glanced at his hand and gave him a smile. "Hey, can you... you know..." I paused, looking down at his hand.

"Right." He quickly removed his hand. "Where's Erin?" He asked, looking around.

"She's still sleeping." I told him." So please, don't wake her up." I pretty much demanded.

"Got it." Rj nodded. "She deserves to sleep, she has been working a lot the past week."

"I know, just, let her rest." I told him and walked away.

*Erin POV*

I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes as I sat up. I looked around the room and saw that Owen had already left for the day. Smith decided to give us a break this week, so yeah, I was still sleeping. Key word 'was', someone was knocking on the door.

I managed to pull myself out of bed and threw a blanket over my shoulders. Once I got to the door, I opened it to reveal Claire.

"Hey." I greeted her, yawning afterwards.

"Did I wake you up?" She asked and she looked over my tired figure.

"Yeah, but I needed to get up anyways." I told her as I shrugged. "What'd you need?"

"Well, I was thinking of going somewhere to eat, thought maybe you'd want to join." she asked with a hopeful glance.

"I don't know, have you asked Owen?" I asked.

"Yeah, just a few minutes ago." She answered and nodded her head. "He agreed, we just need your answer."

I gave her a blank looked and I let out a sigh. I let my gaze fall to the floor as I nodded. "Sure, I guess I can come."

"Great!" She exclaimed and clapped her hands. "We leave in an hour, get ready. See you then!"

I looked after her as she walked away and shook my head. Claire has changed a lot in the past two years. But it was for the better. I liked this new Claire, but she was still a bit to bubbly and sometimes strict, but whatever.

I shut the door and walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower. I might as well start getting ready.


The dinner was basically over as soon as it started. Owen and I soon walked to the car, me waving goodbye to our friends.

"That was nice." I stated and smiled at Owen.

"Yeah, you have fun?"

"Yeah." I nodded." What about you?"

"Yeah it was great." He replies, resting one hand against our car next to my head so he is leaning over me.

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