Chapter 17

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BEFORE YOU GUYS DO ANYTHING!! WATCH THE DANG VIDEO! delirious_secrets made this amazing trailer and I'm crying at how amazing it is!!! WATCH IT NOW!

*Erin POV*

Owen and I raced off to Smiths office as soon as we could. We stopped at the hallway that his office was in and walked there so we didn't cause any more havoc. Once we made sure that Smith wasn't in there, we unlocked the door and slowly sneaked inside.

As Owen made sure that no one came in, I went to the computer. I managed to hack into his files and I found multiple notices and orders telling the soldiers to take the dinosaurs to different places.

"Did you find anything?" Owen asked in a low voice so that nobody would hear him.

"Yeah." I quietly replied. "And it doesn't look good."

I quickly copied the pages and printed them out, setting them in a folder for Owen and I to look at later. I soon found Halos order and narrowed my eyes at the page. Smith was going to send Halo to the Middle East, to work with the army stationed there. I quickly abolished the order and deleted it.

"Hurry up!" Owen whispered and he walked to my side. "We need to go."

"I'm going as fast as I can!" I replied as I exited out of the files, and going back to the home screen before shutting the computer off.

After making it look as if we had never come in here, I stood up and grabbed the printed orders, putting them into a bag. Owen and I quickly made our way out of Smiths office and back out into the courtyard.

I handed the bag to Owen and grabbed my phone, texting Alice and Lowery that we got the files. Alice had also told Claire, Zach and Gray about what was going on, so they we were all going to chat about it later.

"Okay, lets go." I stated and I grabbed the bag back from Owen, throwing the bag over my shoulder.

"If we do manage to stop Smith, what are we going to do with him?" Owen asked and he grabbed my hand.

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking up at him with confusion.

"I mean, are we going to call his superior and get him re-called?"

"Probably." I replied and nodded my head. "That would probably be the only way to stop him, for good." I stated.

"Yeah, that's true." Owen nodded his head in agreement.

We soon made it back to our apartment and locked the door behind us once inside. I set the files on to the table and Owen grabbed half. I looked at him with a sigh and gave him a small smile.

"Lets do this."


"You've got to be kidding me." I groaned as I rubbed a hand over my head.

"What?" Owen asked and he immediately walked over to my side.

I handed him the file and shook my head. "He's going to try and send the Velociraptors to Japan." I stated.

Owen and I had gone through almost every file for two hours. And each one told us when and where Smith was going to send the dinosaurs.

"What!" Owen exclaimed and he narrowed his eyes at the paper. "He's literally killing everyone!"

"Couldn't have said it better myself." I sighed as I stood up from the couch. "We really need to figure out a way to stop him."

"I know." Owen stated and he followed me into the kitchen. "This is so frustrating." He sighed.

"I know." I copied Owens earlier statement as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "But we'll figure it out. Eventually."

Owen shook his head and wrapped his arms out my back, squeezing me to his chest. He buried his head into my neck and let out a sigh, which happened to tickle my neck a bit. I let put a small laugh and nuzzled my head into his shoulder.

"We should rest, we can get started on our plan tomorrow." I pulled away from Owen and grabbed his hand, pulling him into the bed room.

I climbed onto our bed and Owen followed my pulled close to him so I was flush against his chest. He buried his head back into my neck and placed tiny kissed along the base of my neck. I let out a sigh and grabbed Owens hands, giving them a small squeeze.

"I love you." Owen mumbled in between kisses.

"I love you too." I whispered back and closed my eyes.

I turned around, wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my head into his shoulder. He pulled me even closer, of hat was possible, to his chest and he let out another sigh.

This would probably be the last time Owen and I would be able to cuddle. If we really wanted to take Smith down, it was going to take everything we have.

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