Chapter 14

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Time lapse

*Erin POV*

"No! Don't do that!" I exclaimed as I slapped a piece of meat out of a soldiers hand. "No– just don't do it."

"Why not?" He questioned. "It shouldn't hurt me."

I let out a sigh and shook my head. "Just because the Gallimimus is an omnivore, doesn't mean it couldn't hurt you." I explained.

"It doesn't have any teeth though."

"I know that." I told him, crossing my arms. "But the bite of a Gallimimus can still really hurt."

I grabbed the meat from his hand and threw it away, grabbing a dead lizard and setting it in a bucket. "Besides, the Gallimimus prefer lizard and fish over beef." I stated before I walked away.

I let out another sigh and I grabbed my notebook from out of my bag as I neared the lab. Jotting down a few notes, I looked up and decided to visit Halo. When I arrived at the lab, I immediately went to the back and walked outside.

I arrived at Halo's compound and let out a shrill, yet still quiet whistle. A screech was heard from somewhere and Halo ran out from behind some trees. Her thundering footsteps skidded to a halt as she let out a chirp, giving me what looked like a smile.

Halo was now full sized and she seemed to keep growing. None if the other Pachycephalosaurus seemed to mess with her anymore, which I was hoping was a good thing.

I grabbed a few handfuls of sunflower seeds and held them in my hand. I stuck my hand through the fence and gave another small whistle. Halo walked forward and nudged my hand a bit before chopping down on the seeds. I used my other hand to rub her head.

I smiled when she stepped back and wiggled her head a bit, letting out a happy chirp. I climbed over the fence and jumped into her compound, petting her snout when she walked up to me. I started to walk towards the forest, but she pushed me back and snorted in my face.

"Hey! I just showered!" I exclaimed as i wiped some of the snot off with my jacket sleeve.

Halo chirped again and jogged off into another part of her compound. I playfully narrowed my eyes and tried to chase after her. The key word in that sentence was tried.

*Owen POV*

"Hey, have you seen Erin?" I asked a nearby soldier as I scratched the back of my head in confusion.

"No Sir." He stated before he gave me a nod and quickly walked off.

I let out a sigh and ran a hand over my head. I've been looking for her everywhere, and nobody seems to know where she is. I made my way over to the lab and walked inside, making my way over to Alice. Hopefully she'll know.

"Please, please tell me that you've seen Erin." I pleaded as I grabbed her shoulders, giving them a small shake.

"Yeah." She nodded and she pointed to a door. "She's with Halo."

"Thank you." I smiled and I ran to the door.

I opened it up and stepped outside into the fields. I walked to Halos compound and leaned against the fence once I found Erin. She had a smile plastered on her face and she was chasing Halo around. It was good to see her like this.

She didn't really smile as much anymore and that worried me. But she always seemed happy around Halo. And if she was happy, then I was happy.


I snapped my head up at Erin's panicked screams and looked at the scene with wide eyes. Erin was crouched over Halo who was lying on the ground. Soldiers suddenly streamed in the compound and ran towards the pair.

I quickly jumped over the fence and dashed towards Erin. The soldiers got there before I did and pushed Erin away, surrounding Halo. Erin let out another scream and tried to push the soldiers away as she clawed her way to the fallen dinosaur.

"Let her go!" Erin screamed as she punched a soldier square in the jaw. "What are you doing?!"

I soon made it to Erin and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her to my chest.

*Erin POV*

I struggled against Owens hold and I looked at my dinosaur with wide, teary eyes.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled at a soldier. "Let her go!" I screamed.

Tears fell from my eyes as Owen held me back from hurting someone. What was going on?! What are they going to do to her?!

"Ma'am, we have strict orders to ship this Pachycephalosaurus to a private location." A soldier stated and he tried to hand me a piece of paper.

I pushed his hand away and kicked him in the stomach. Finally breaking free of Owens death grip, I tried to run towards Halo, but I was grabbed again. I fell to the ground and tears fell from my eyes as I watched them take Halo away from me.

Halo let out strangled cry and she tried to move, but couldn't because of the heavy sedative. Once they were out of my sight, I jumped out of Owens grasped and glared at him.

"Why didn't you let me go?!" I angrily yelled at him.

"They could've hurt you!"

"But they were hurt Halo!" I exclaimed as I wiped away a tear.

I turned around and stomped off, clenching my fists by my sides.

"Where are you going?" Owen asked, quickly catching up with me.

"To confront the dick of a man who did this."

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