Chapter 11

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"Please, take a seat." Sergeant Smith said when I walked in.

"I'd rather stand." I replied as I gripped my bag straps. "What did you need?"

"Just wanted to see how the sessions are coming along." Smith said.

"They're going good, for the most part." I said, mumbling the last part as I narrowed my eyes at Smith.

"Good, when will they be able to work with the dinosaurs?"

"Sir, we've only just started these sessions, if we push the dinosaurs to work with people whom they don't trust, something could go wrong." I told him. I didn't want anyone to get hurt by doing something stupid.

"Well, don't you think if we introduce the soldiers to them now?" Smith asked as I laced his fingers together. "That the bond might be stronger?"

"No." I stated, shaking my head at the idea. "That is a very bad, and very horrible idea."

"How so?"

"These soldiers have been trained in weaponry, not working with animals. They'd be to ruff on them."

"Mrs. Grady, half of the dinosaurs have amour for skin." He told me. "I'm positive that these animals can handle it."

"I am fully aware of that." I sighed and I pinched the bridge of my nose. "What I mean is, that the soldiers wouldn't know how to handle the dinosaurs. They're not ready yet."

"When will they be ready?"

I sighed, sharing my head again as I opened the officer door. "Call me when you're actually ready to talk about important stuff."

I quickly walked to the lab and sat down on a nearby couch. I set my elbow on the arm rest and I leaned my head against my palm. Doctors and scientists rushed pasted me, hurrying to get to their correct stations. Alice was in charge of the lab, and she really whipped it into shape.

Speaking of Alice, just as I sat down she walked into the lab with a clipboard in hand.

"Hey, Erin." She greeted with a smile and she handed me an apple.

"Hey, how is everything?" I asked, taking a bite out of the juicy granny smith.

"Good." She nodded. "Want to see Halo?" She asked as she turned to me.

"Sure." I nodded and I stood up.

Alice led me over to a back door and outside into the sun. Halo had to be moved to a bigger area since she was growing. Halo was now 4ft high and about 10ft long. Something that I had finally figured out, was the reason that the doctors were trying to corner her was because of her hands, which happened to be a bit morphed.

But I still loved her. That's right, Halo and I really bonded while I was staying here. Any chance I got, I would try to visit her.

"Hey girl." I greeted Halo with a smile as I held my palm out.

Halo let out a chirp and bounded my way, stopping when I clicked my tongue. She nudged my hand and I gave her the rest of my apple. Halo chewed on the apple and I turned to Alice.

"How is she doing?" I asked as I rubbed the top of Halos head.

"Good, her height and weight is where it should be." She told me and she looked at her clipboard. "One thing though." I frowned. "None of the other Pachycephalosaurus seem to like her."

"Why is that?" I frowned, crossing my arms at the news.

"Probably because of her hand. See these?" Alice pointed to Halos sides

When I looked, there seemed to be what looked like bruises. The others seemed to ram into her.

"So what, there trying to get rid of the weak?"

"No, it doesn't seem like that." Alice shook her head. "I think its because she looks and acts a bit differently from the others."

I looked back to Halo and let out a sigh. Gently running my hand over one of her horns, I gave her a small kiss on the head. I clicked my tongue and Halo responded with a chirp. I smiled and walked back into the lab.

Once inside, I saw Owen making his way over to me. "Thought I'd find you here." He stated before giving me a kiss. "How has your day been?"

"Stressful." I told him. "Smith call me in, asked when the soldiers would be ready for contact with the dinosaurs." I stated.

"What?" Owen pulled away and he held me by the shoulders. "Why would he ask that?"

"No clue." I told him as I shrugged my shoulders. "I swear, that man is getting on my last nerve."

"Yeah, he's a real pain in the ass." Owen nodded and he pulled me into his side.

"I was thinking, you know, maybe asking Zach or Gray if they wanted to join one of my sessions tomorrow." I spoke up.

"Really?" Owen rose an eyebrow at me. "I say go for it." He said, giving my shoulders a small squeeze.

"Yeah, they might enjoy it." I smiled up at him.

I stood on my tip-toes and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his shoulder.

Unfortunately for us a soldier ran in with wide, wild eyes. "Mrs. Grady! Mr. Grady!"

"What is it?" I groaned as I let go of Owen.

"It's one of the dinosaurs! We don't know what happened, they just stated fighting!"

My eyes widen and I looked at Owen.

"Take us there, now!"

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