Chapter 22

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So yeah, guess what Owen had to show me at study hall? Apparently, Smith was sending soldiers away now as well! And if I were to guess, they would probably sent to the same locations as the dinosaurs.

"Are you sure he's doing this?" I asked Owen as I ran a hand through my hair. "Like, one-hundred percent positive?"

"I'm sure of it." Owen nodded his head.

I let out a sigh and I shook my head, looking down at the ground. "This is so dumb." I mumbled.

"Hey." Owen softly spoke and  he grabbed my chin, making me look at him. "We will stop him, don't worry." He pulled me into a hug and he rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I sure hope so." I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Why don't we head over to the lab." Owen said and he pulled away from the hug, grabbing my hand.

"Yeah, lets go."

*Owen POV*

"Please tell me that you found something we can use." Alice stated and she crossed her arms as we all looked at Zach.

"Why do you guys doubt me?" Zach asked and he looked at each of us with disbelief.

"We don't, its just... you haven't really found anything good." Gray spoke up.

Zach sent a glare his little brothers way before he turned back to the computer, typing in a few things.

"Well, I went back through the security footage a few times, and I noticed something." Zach stated and pointed to Smiths hand. "On his way out, he was putting something in his pocket."

"Well, what was it?" Erin questioned as she leaned forward to look closer at the video.

"I zoomed in on the video, and he was putting a small bottle of Ethylene oxide into his pocket." Zach said a smile formed on his face. "It's a highly flammable chemical."

"How did he manage to get a hold of something like?" Lowery asked.

"I don't know." Zach shook his head. "But get this, Ethylene oxide was also found at the crime scene, it shows that he was there when the fire started." Zach stated and he smiled widely at us.

"That could work." Erin beamed at Zach. "We could use that."


"Well, we pull up the police reports of what started the fire, as well as this video." Erin replied and she nodded at Zach to get started.

"So what, we got everything that we need?" Claire asked as she took a step forward. "Just like that, its over?"

"It seems so." I stated and I pulled Erin into a hug. "We did it." I whispered.

"We did it!" Erin exclaimed and she jumped into the air with excitement.

"But who should we call about this? The President?" Lowery asked from his spot next to Alice.

"Maybe." Erin shrugged.

"Couldn't we just call Smiths superior?" Gray asked. "Wouldn't that work?"

"You know, I like that idea better." Lowery stated.


"I mean, guys, this is the President we're talking about. He could be busy when we call, or whatever." Lowery told us.

"He does have a point." Alice spoke up. "We should just call whoever is in charge of Smith."

"That would be Dr. Wu." Erin said with a sigh. "We would have to call someone else."

"I think I know who we could call." Rj suddenly walked into the room. "But it would take a while for her to show up."

"Her?" Erin looked at Rj with raised eyebrows and she crossed her arms. "Who are you talking about?"

"Sergeant Major Robins." Rj replied. "She is just one rank over Smith. She may be a girl, but damn, she is scary as fuck!" Rj shuddered.

"I think that I'll like her. "Erin whispered in my ear.

"Of course you would."

"How soon do you think she can be here?" Claire asked as she crossed her arms. "Soon, do you think?"

"About three days, a weeks top." Rj shrugged and he pulled out his phone.

"Good, if you can get her here, we can do the rest." Erin stated and she turned back to the rest of us. "Zach, I need you to collect that information we have. Lowery, you can help him."

"Got it, boss." Lowery nodded before he sat down next to Zach.

"The rest of us, just go back to what we have been doing." Erin stated and she grabbed my hand. "We don't want to seem like we know anything."

"Okay, I'll see if I can get a hold of Robins." Rj stated and he gave a salute. "Later boss lady."

*Erin POV*

"Do you think we can do this?" I asked and I turned to Owen.

"Babe, we've been looking for this information for weeks." He stated as he pulled me into his lap. "We are doing this."

"I know, but what if he finds out?"

"Erin, why are you worrying about this now, and not when we were actually looking?" Owen asked and he looked down at me with confusion clear on his face.

"I don't know." I told him and I let out a sigh. "You know I love you, right?" I asked as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. "Like, a lot."

"Of course I do." He replied and he kissed my cheek. "And I love you as well."

"We should probably head to bed." I told him, pulling away from him and standing up. "We have a busy week ahead of us."

"Okay." Owen nodded and he stood up as well.

He suddenly picked me up and walked to the bedroom with me in his arms. He gave me a big kiss before tossing me on the bed, pulling the covers over top of us.

I sure do hope that this Sergeant Major Robin can help us. Seriously, we need all the help that we can get.

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