Chapter 12

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Owen and I quickly followed after the soldier out into a field, one of the fields that Owen and I sometimes worked at. A screech was heard and I pushed myself harder to make it to the dinosaur compound.

Once we made it there, I unlocked the gate and Owen slipped inside, me following closely behind.

"You can't go in there!" The soldier told me, reaching for my arm.

I quickly moved my arm out of the way and locked the gate. "No one else is trying to stop this." I told the soldier. "So yes, we can come in here."

I darted after Owen and skidded to a stop when I spotted the dinosaurs. Two Ankylosaurus were swinging their armored tails at each other. One ran at the other, ramming its spiked side into the other.

I looked at Owen. "What do we do?" I questioned.

"I don't know." He stated with a shrug as he looked at me. "Wait it out?"

"No, we can't." I shook my head and I looked at the Ankylosaurus. "One of them is going to have babies soon, we can't let the other harm her."

"How do you know that?" Owen asked and he looked at me with wide eyes.

"Alice told me an older looking Ankylosaurus was going to lay eggs soon." I told him. "Its probably the one with the greyish armor." I stated as I pointed to the one I was talking about.

The mom let out another roar and swung its tail around, hitting the younger one in the side. The younger let out a pained roar and went to attack, but the mom swung its tail around again and knocked it back. The younger one swung its tail around as well, and then darted in our direction.

Owen and I quickly jumped out of the way, and I looked at Owen with wide eyes.

"Yeah." I nodded. "Maybe you're right. I think that we should just wait this out."

Owen nodded at me, agreeing with my decision and he grabbed my arms, pulling me off the ground. We opened the gate and ran out of the cage. I grabbed Owens arm and pointed to a soldier holing a tranquilizer gun.

"Maybe we could try to sedate the younger one." I stated as I looked up at Owen.

"Why not the mom?"

"If we do that, we might harm her eggs before she even lays them." I told him, crossing my arms.

"True." Owen nodded.

I walked over to the soldier and grabbed the gun from his hands. "I need this." I stated as I walked away.

"Hey! You can't do-"

"Yes I can." I stated as I handed the gun to Owen.

Right as Owen walked away to look for a clear shot, someone placed a hand on to my shoulder. I swear, these people have these things planed.

"Mrs. Grady, its time for your next session."

I groaned and spun around to face the soldier. "You seriously think that some stupid class is more important then this?" I asked and I pointed to the situation behind me.

"Yes Ma'am." The soldier nodded. "If it means that we get to work with the dinosaurs sooner."

I looked at the soldier with a shocked expression and I let out a small growl of anger. I clenched my fist at my sides as I stomped off to the hall where my next session was. God! All these people cared about was working with the dinosaurs!


I slammed the door to our apartment shut and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed a glass and poured some water into it.

"You don't sound happy." Owen stated as he sauntered in the kitchen.

I brought the glass down away from my lips and I sighed. "I swear, the only things these people care about is contact with the dinosaurs!" I stated as I threw my hands in the air.

Owen took a step closer and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I mean, 'when will we work with them?' 'are we going to work with them soon?' that's all they ask!" I exclaimed and I looked up at Owen.

"They're just curious." Owen shrugged his shoulders and replied. "It'll wear off eventually."

"I doubt it, they've been like that for two days—"

I was cut off when Owen pressed his lips to mine. He quickly pulled away and smirked down at me.

"What was that for?" I asked with questioning eyes.

"Well, it got you to shut up, didn't it?" He stated with a sly grin on his face.

I scoffed and shoved him back, trying to hide the smile on my face. "You suck." I stated.

"You know you love me." Owen sang and he walked into the living room.

I shook my head and let out a quiet laugh. I looked down and ran a finger over my ring. Owen wasn't wrong, I did love him. I still do.

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