Chapter 15

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Halo let out strangled cry and she tried to move, but couldn't because of the heavy sedative. Once they were out of my sight, I jumped out of Owens grasped and glared at him.

"Why didn't you let me go?!" I angrily yelled at him.

"They could've hurt you!"

"But they were hurt Halo!" I exclaimed as I wiped away a tear.

I turned around and stomped off, clenching my fists by my sides.

"Where are you going?" Owen asked, quickly catching up with me.

"To confront the dick of a man who did this."

*Erin POV*

I marched into Smiths office and I ripped open the door, glaring heavily at Smith as I stomped towards him.

"You son of a bitch!" I exclaimed as I grabbed him by the collar. "How dare you!"

"Woah! Erin, whats going on?!" Rj jumped up and he held his hands out.

"Why'd you place that order?" I snarled and I pulled Smith closer. "Why?!"

"Mrs. Grady, I have to ask you to calm down." Smith tried to get me to lower him. "Please, calm down."

"No!" I exclaimed and I swung my fist at his face.

Smith fell to the ground as a small smirk appeared on his face. He rubbed his jaw and looked up at me with a grin. "Mrs. Grady, I'm having trouble figuring out what you mean." He stated.

"This!" I yelled and I held out the paper. "You ordered your men to take Halo away!"

"Erin! You need to calm down!" Owen suddenly  burst into the room and he yanked me away from Smith.

"No, I don't!" I yelled and more tears came to my eyes. "He ordered those men to take Halo away!" I yelled as I pointed at Smith.

"You don't know that for sure." Owen calmly spoke and he held my hands in between his face.

"But I do!" I exclaimed and my voice cracked.


"Just– just look!" I pushed the paper into Owens hands as I stood up. "He did it!"

Erin..." Rj hesitantly walked up behind Owen and he to looked at the paper. "This doesn't prove anything." He stated.

"Fine!" I exclaimed and I threw my hands into the air, walking towards the door. "If you guys don't believe me, he will keep sending these dinosaurs away to god knows where!" I yelled and I looked at them with disbelief. "But if they end up hurt, or worse, used for killing, don't say I didn't fucking tell you so." I glared at the group and slammed the door, walking away from the office.

*3rd POV*

Erin Grady ran straight to the lab and into Alices arms, tears running down her face. Alice gently rubbed her hands over her back and arms, whispering soothing words into the troubled womens ear. Alice had heard what had happened and was just as angry and sad as Erin was.

She knew that Sergeant Smith had something to do with this, and she was going to try and do anything to help. Alice continued to comfort Erin and she led her over to a nearby couch and laid her down, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders.

It was then that Lowery walked in, stopping in his tracks when he saw Erins distressed condition.

'What happened?' Lowery mouthed to Alice, who was grabbing a water bottle.

Alice waved her hand dismissively and Lowery walked over to her. Alice quickly gave Lowery the run down on what had happened, and they both returned to Erins side.

"I am so sorry." Lowery quietly spoke as he rubbed Erins shoulder in a comforting manner. "Really."

"I-its okay." Erin sniffled as she wiped her eyes. "There was nothing we could've do." She mumbled and more tears fell down her face.

"Do you want something to eat, or just anything at all?" Alice asked as she put a hand on to her friends shoulder.

"No, thank you." Erin whispered and she looked up to her friend with red, puffy eyes. "I just want some peace and quiet."

Alice nodded her head in understanding and she led Erin into a secluded part of the lab, setting her down on to another couch. Both Alice and Lowery walked out, shutting the door behind them to give Erin some time alone.

As they were walking out of the lab, they met Owen just as he was about to walk in.

"Is Erin in there?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah." Alice nodded, stopping Owen from walking in the lab. "But she wants to be alone."

Owen paused and gave a sad nod, turning around and walking away. If Sergeant Smith really did give that order, than what could he have done?


Okay, so I know that I'm waaaay late on this, but I've just finished the first season of The Flash!! And can I just say damnnnnn Barry!! I have been highly inspired to write a fanfic based on The Flash, so that is what I am going to be working on.

So expect slower updates on this story, and also a new book to be posted soon!!

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