Chapter 18

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*3rd POV*

For weeks Owen and Erin tried their best to find suitable evidence that showed Sergeant Smith was doing wrong at Fort Benning. But almost all of the stuff that they found would be useless.

Letting out a tired sigh, Erin Grady set down another file and stood up from her chair, stretching her arms over her hand.

"Where are you going?" Zach Mitchell looked up and asked as he watched her walk away.

Alice, Lowery, Claire, Zach and Gray had all pitched in trying to find a way to stop Smith.

"To get some air." Erin stated before she walked out if the lab.

Owen watched as his tired wife walked out and decided against stopping her. If she needed to breathe, so be it.

Erin rubbed her arms up in down as the wind blew against her skin. Suddenly wanting a jacket, she decided to grab her jacket from the main building. She had left it there yesterday, so she went to go get it back.

Letting out a sigh of relief that it was still there, Erin quickly pulled the jacket over her shoulders and went to walk out, but a voice stopped her.

"No Sir...I don't think so." Erin pressed her ear against Sergeants Smith door.

"Everything is going as planned... I'm sure that they haven't figured it out." Smith stated into the phone. "They've been to busy with their sessions to even notice... Dr. Wu, I've got everything under control."

Erin's eyes widen and she took a small step back. So Sergeant Smith was up to something! And Dr. Wu is in on it!

"Sir, please trust me on this..." Smith sighed and he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Yes, I'll be sending a batch of Ankylosaurus to Austria in about a week."

Erin let out a loud gasp and she quickly put a hand over her mouth. Scrambling up from her crouched position, Erin ran as fast as she could out of the building, she had to tell the others about this.

"Sir, excuse me." Smith set the phone down on his desk, he walked to the door.

Yanking it open, Smith was met with an empty hallway. Looking down both ways, Smith let out a shrug, probably the wind.

*Erin POV*

"Guys!" I yelled as I burst into the empty lab. "You'll never guess what I just heard!"

"Woah, breathe Erin, breathe." Zach set a hand on to my shoulder and he led me over to the couch.

"Erin, what happened?" Owen asked and he kneeled in front of me.

"Well, I went back into the main building to get my jacket." I stated and I lifted up my jacket sleeve. "When I heard Smith talking to someone."

"Okay, what's the big deal?" Claire asked.

"Guess who he was talking to." I said, looking at everyone.


"Dr. Wu."

Everyone gasped and Owen grabbed my hand, pulling me into his lap.

"Wha–how do they know each other?" Lowery asked and he grabbed Alice's hand reassuringly. Wait, What??

"I don't know." I shook my head. "But they're working together. I know it." I stated.

I stood up out of Owens arms and walked over to the paper filled table. Rummaging through the piles of paper we had, I grabbed a stack of Ankylosaurus files. Letting out a yell of joy, I held out the one I needed.

"Here! Smith was saying that they were going to send a group of Ankylosaurus to Austria next week." I stated and I showed everyone the papers. "We have to stop them."

"We don't have enough evidence to do that." Alice shook her head as she put a hand on to my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"What?" I looked at the group in disbelief and shook my head. "You guys are just giving up?!"


"We can do this!" I exclaimed. "We have to do this."

"Erin's right." Owen stated and he stood by my side, grabbing my hand. "If we don't, who knows what'll happen."

Alice and Claire looked at each other before nodding and walking over to Owen and I. Zach and Gray both followed, Gray standing by my other side and grabbing my other hand. We all turned to Lowery and I gave him a stern look.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Lowery shook his head and slowly walked over to join our group.

"If we get caught." Lowery said and he pointed at Owen and I. "It's on you two."

"That is okay with me." I nodded my head.

Owen smiled down at me and placed a kiss in top of my head.

"Now," I looked at my group. "Lets stop Sergeant Smith and Dr. Wu."

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