Chapter 16

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*3rd POV*

When Owen woke up the next day, he noticed that the placed beside him on the bed was empty. Either Erin had gotten up early, or she hadn't even come home. Owen assumed that it was probably the latter.

Letting out a sigh, Owen pulled himself out of bed and he slowly changed into his work clothes. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed a breakfast bar before walking out. He was worried for Erin, he wanted to make sure that she was okay. But he also knew that she needed space, and time to cool off.

"Mr. Grady, I assume you took care of your wife?" Sergeant Smith said as he walked next to Owen.

Owen narrowed his eyes and ignored the comment, walking towards the cafeteria. Owen always had a hunch that Smith was a bit off, and he was slowly beginning to realize that Erin was right.

"Mr. Grady—"

"Just shut up." Owen stopped and he glared heavily at Smith. "You've already done enough."

"Excuse me." Sergeant had a look of surprise on his face.

"You know, I'm starting to think that maybe Erin is right." Owen stated and he walked towards Smith. "You're always pushing us to get the soldiers to work with the dinosaurs. Then one day, you ship Halo off to god knows where!" Owen grabbed Smith by the collar and his glare hardened. "I don't care if you fire us, or what ever. But don't you dare harm any of these animals." He snarled.

Owen shoved Smith back and clenched his fists by his sides, stomping away from the surprised man. Now that Owen had finally taken care of Smith, he needed to find Erin and apologize.

*Erin POV*

I looked back and forth from Smith and Owen with wide eyes. Did Owen just threaten Smith? I sure hope so, Smith was a dick and he deserved it.

I quickly pulled my cardigan over my shoulders and walked out of the lab. I slowly made my way behind Owen, and when I got close enough, I wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped in surprise at first, but calmed down when he saw that it was me.

He grabbed my hands and turned me around, pulling me into a big hug. I buried my head into his shoulder and he hugged me tight.

"I'm so sorry for not believing you." He mumbled into my hair.

"It's okay, I didn't mean to yell like that." I stated as I pulled away from him. "I was just angry."

"No, you had every right to be angry." He replied and he held my face in between his warm hands.

"Yeah, but I didn't know what I was saying."

"You were right though." He said. "Something is going on with Smith, we need to stop him from doing something worse."

"Really?" I asked with surprise. "You believe me?"

"Every word." Owen nodded before he kissed my forehead.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around Owen waist, placing a small kiss to his jaw. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and waist and hugged me to his chest. We soon pulled back and he grabbed my hand, pulling my towards the cafeteria.

"Come, let's eat." He said. "Then we can finish dealing with Smith."


After eating, Owen and I tried to head back to the lab, but we were stopped by Gray.

"Hey Owen, Erin!" Gray ran up to us with a smile.

"Gray, how have you been?" I asked him, a small smiling forming on my face.

"I'm good, its really cool here." He stated.

"Really?" Owen asked and he slightly glanced my way. "What is your favorite part?"

"I really liked your lector on the Torosaurus." Gray beamed at me. "Its amazing how closely related it is to the Triceratops!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, they're one of my favorites as well." I smiled and I nodded at Gray.

"Anyways, just wanted to say hello." Gray waved and he walked off. "Bye!"

"Bye, Gray." I waved goodbye and I grabbed Owens hand again.

Owen gently squeezed my hand and opened the labs door for me, letting me pass first. I spotted Alice standing over Lowery who was sitting at a computer, and walked over to them.

"Hey guys, whatcha looking at?" I questioned them.

"Oh my god!' Alice exclaimed and she spun around, a hand on her chest. "Don't do that!" She exclaimed.

I let out a small laugh and turned my attention to the computer. "Seriously though, what are you guys doing.

"Okay, so last night Owen asked me to look into some things." Lowery stated and I glanced at Owen. "I managed to hack into Smiths computer."

"You what?!" I exclaimed as I smacked his shoulder.

"Shh!" Lowery put a finger to his lips. "Be quiet, and come here." He waved me closer. "You were right about Smith." He stated and pointed to a paragraph.

"I don't know what this is." I admitted and shrugged.

"Look." He moved his finger down. "Smith was the one who ordered the men to take Halo, and his going to do it again."

I looked at the screen with shock and turned to Owen with wide eyes.

"That son of a bitch!"

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