Chapter 23 Pt2

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"Boss, just give it up." A random soldier spoke up.

"Shut up!" Smith yelled and he threw a punch  towards the soldiers jaw.

Owen yanked Erin behind his back and he stood in front of her protectively. Smith turned around and he faced the group with angry, wild eyes.

"She deserved it" Smith screamed.

The group looked at each other before turning to Smith with wide eyes and triumphant glances.

"That bitch deserved everything that she got!"

*Erin POV*

"What?" Sergeant Robins walked forward with wide eyes. "How could you?" She asked with disbelief.

"Because! She deserved it!" Smith yelled with bulging eyes.

"How does the hell does someone deserve to be burnt to death?" Owen asked and he held my hand tightly in his.

"She didn't do what I said!"

"Really?" I scoffed and he shook my head. "So what? If I wasn't going to do as you asked, where you going to burn me?" I questioned. "Or maybe Alice? Claire?"

"Just shut up!" Smith yelled and he shook his head. "All of you!" He punched another nearby soldier and grabbed the gun from the soldier.

We all snapped our hands in the air and looked at him with wide eyes. He whipped the gun around as he looked at us with wide eyes. He suddenly lunged forward and grabbed Gray by the arm, pointing the gun at his head.

"No! Gray!" Claire exclaimed and she moved forward.

I grabbed her arm and held her close so she wouldn't get hurt. She fell to the ground as tears fell from her eyes, sobbing as she looked at her captive niece.

"Aunt Claire, Erin, do something." Gray cried out. "Please."

"Shut up!" Smith exclaimed and he pushed the gun harder into Gray's head. "All of you!"

I flinched back and I handed Claire of to Owen, slowly standing up. "No! I said stay down!" Smith exclaimed and he pointed the gun at me.

I flinched at the harshness of his voice, but I held my hands up. "Look, Gray had nothing to do with this. Just let him go." I quietly spoke. "He's just a boy, he still has his whole life ahead of him." I stated.

Smith let out a strangled cry and he moved the guns aim from me to Gray's head multiple times. Each and every time, more tears would fall down Claire and Gray's face. I slightly narrowed my eyes and slowly walked forward.

"Please, if you stop now, the charges probably won't be as bad." I stated. "Just please, let him go."

"Stay back!" Smith pointed the gun at me and I froze.

"It's okay." I reassured Gray. "Listen to me." I turned my attention back to Smith as I spoke. "If you let Gray go, you can have me."

"What?" Owen snapped his head towards me. "Erin, no!"

"Just, trust me on this." I quietly spoke.

I turned back to Smith and I lowered one hand, holding it out. "Let Gray go."

Smith looked from Gray, to me and back to the group before shoving Gray forward. He jumped forward, grabbing my wrist and yanking me towards him, but instead of falling to his arms, I brought my fist back and punched him hard in the jaw.

I quickly kicked his chest and grabbed the fallen gun, pointing it at Smiths chest. "I told you to just give up."

Robins walked forward and forcefully pulled Smith up, handcuffing him quickly and roughly. "You have the right to remain silent." She stated. "But I'd just be quiet." She snarled into his ear.

As she walked past me, she gave me a slight nod. I gave her a smile and turned to the group.

"Are you okay?" I kneeled down in front of Gray as I quickly checked him for any wounds. "You're not hurt, are you?"

"Thank you so much!" He cried as he jumped into my arms. "Thank you."

I wrapped my own arms around his small frame and nodded my head. "It's okay buddy." I whispered. "You're okay."

I handed Gray off to Claire and I stood up, handing the gun to a soldier who nodded my way. I was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and twisted around. Lips were smashed against mine and arms wrapped around my waist.

I looked up and saw Owen, so I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"Don't you ever do that again." He mumbled as he buried his head into my neck. "You can't die."

"Don't worry." I told him as I let out a shaky breathe. "I don't think that I'll ever do that again."


"Smith should be put on trail soon." Robins said and she placed a hand on to my shoulder. "You did good." She gave me a smile.

"Anything to keep the people I love safe." I stated as I looked at Owen, who smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

"Ma'am." A soldier walked up to me. "There's someone on the phone for you." She stated as he held out a phone.

"Probably my mom." I stated and I grabbed it. "Excuse me."

I walked away from Owen and Robins and placed the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Mrs. Grady?" Someone asked.

"This is she." I stated. "Who's this?"

"My name is Dr. Noah Woods. I'm afraid I have some terrible news." Dr. Noah told me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, suddenly worried for however was hurt. "What's happened?"

"Your friends, Michael and Karen Ludwig, they've been in an accident."

"No." I whispered and slowly brought a hand to my mouth. My heart hammered in my chest as I awaited the news.

"I'm so sorry, they didn't make it."

"No." Tears fell down my face and I shook my head. "What about Lily? Is she okay, tell me that she's okay!"

"That's what I'm here to talk about." Dr. Noah stated. "Karen and Michael stated in their will, that they would like you and Owen to take care of her."

"I-is she okay?"

"She's fine."

I looked at the ground and I let out a quiet sob, bringing a hand to my mouth to try and muffle the sound.

"Mrs. Grady?"

"C-can I call you back?" I asked. "I just..."


I hung up the phone and let out another sob. Hands landed on my shoulders and I was turned around.

"Erin, is everything okay?" Owen asked as he looked at me in concern.

I immediately jumped into his arms and I buried my head into his shoulder. I let the tears fall down my face and sobs violently racked my body. How could they be dead? Is that why they weren't answering their phones? Why did this have to happen to them?

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