Chapter 9

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The next day, Owen and I had to get up at 0600, which is also translated to 6:00. I was definitely not happy about that. But I slowly dragged myself out of bed and changed into some presentable clothing. Owen met me at the front door and we walked to the lab together.

My phone suddenly rang and I checked the caller I.D. It was Karen.

"Hey, its Karen." I told Owen with a smile.

Owen smiled back and put the phone to my ear "Answer it then."

"Hey, what's up?" I asked into the phone as a smile came to my face as well.

"Erin! How are you guys?" She asked.

"We're good." I told her. "What about you guys?"

"We're fine." She stated. "About to go on a small camping trip."

"That sounds awesome!"

"Yeah, anyways. Just wanted to check up on you." Karen stated.

I then heard some yelling in the background, so I assumed that Michael was calling Karen over.

"I've got to go." Karen stated. "Talk to you later. Bye"

"Bye, Karen." I told her and I hung up the phone, stuffing it into my back pocket.

Owen opened the door to the lab and we both walked inside. You could already see a small difference in the way that it ran. Alice was doing good. The dinosaurs had been moved to more opened spaces that gave them a lot more room to move around.

I didn't see a single dinosaur that had a tube or wires connecting to it. I quickly spotted Halo and I placed a hand on to Owens arm. "I'll be right back." I told him.

He nodded and he walked over to Alice, who was giving a check up to a younger Triceratops. I walked over to Halos area and crouched down in front of her. I grabbed a few pieces of fruit on the way over and held them out to her.

Halo let out a chirp and walked over to me, grabbing a pear out of my opened hand. I rubbed her head as she ate and I set the fruit in a nearby bowl.

"How you doing girl?" I asked and I smiled when she let out a series of happy chirps.

She lightly head butted my forearm a few times and I laughed. I stood up and patted her head one last time before turning around. I soon spotted Rj talking to Lowery and I walked over.

"Lowery! When did you get here?" I asked him in surprise as I pulled him into a hug.

"I got here early this morning." He told me before pointing to Rj. "Rj has been showing me around.

"You better have taken care of him." I sternly said as I pointed at Rj.

"Sure have." Rj stated and he swung an arm around Lowerys shoulder. "We're best buds."

I let out a laugh and shook my head at the two. I should've known that they would be friends.

"Mrs. Grady, its time for your first session. "A soldier suddenly stated as he came up behind me.

I nodded my head and waved goodbye to my friends before following the soldier out of the lab. He led me to an open field where rows of soldiers were lined up in front an open field. The field was fenced off and had different herbivores inside. I guess that I was working with herbivores first.

"Okay... um... good day everyone." I awkwardly spoke to the group. "I'm Erin Grady, but you guys can just call Erin."

"Yes Ma'am!"

I jumped a bit when the group loudly replied and I let out another awkward laugh. "Okay, lets get started." I clapped my hands.

I walked over to the gate of the fence and opened it, walking inside. I bent down next to a young Edmontosaurus. "Does anyone know what dinosaur this is?" I asked as I turned to the group.

The group of soldiers just stood there with their arms behind their back, completely silent, no response. I let out a sigh and shook my head. "This is gonna take a while." I mumbled to myself as I stood up and stretched a bit. Lets do this.


I grabbed a water bottle out of the labs fridge and took a big sip. I had already done three sessions today, and it was only 1 o'clock. The sessions took about two hours each, with a tiny break in between. I wonder if Owen was doing any better than I was.

Speaking of the devil, Owen came stumbling in the lab and fell on to the couch, letting out a huge sigh. I grabbed another water bottle and walked over, placing it on to his chest.

"Rough day?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"You have no idea." He mumbled after he took a sip of the water.

"I've already done three sessions, and only one or two people actually knew what I was talking about." I stated. "So yeah, I do have an idea."

Owen groaned and leaned his head against the back of the couch. "I think we have our money cut out for us." He stated.

"Yup." I agreed as I threw my feet on to his lap.

Just as I was about to close my eyes, when someone came into the lab and walked over to us. "You guys okay?" Zach asked.

I let out a groaned and shook my head. "That bad?" Zach questioned.

Owen nodded his head and Zach let out a laugh. "Well, at least you're not having to follow Rj around. That man can talk!" He exclaimed.

I let out a laugh as well and looked at him. "You're right, you do have it bad."

"Does he ever stop?" Zach asked as he looked at us with wide eyes. "I'm going to go deaf with all of that mans talking!"

"Eventually." Owen stated. "But, he's a good man."

"Yeah, really nice to have around." I told Zach.

Another soldier suddenly walked in and tapped me on the shoulder. "It's time for your other session."

I let out a loud groan and slowly pushed myself up. Owen let out a taunting laugh and pointed his finger at me. "Ha, you have to work!"

Suddenly, another soldier walked in and tapped him on the shoulder. "Mr. Grady, were ready for you."

I let out a laugh as I followed the soldier out and stuck my tongue out at Owen. He narrowed his eyes at me and stuck his tongue out at me. I turned back around and followed the soldier out of the lab, and in to another field filled with more soldier.

When will this day end?!

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