Chapter 24

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*Erin POV*

I let out a small sniffle as I held baby Lily in my arms. She let out a soft yawn and I gently bounced her in my arms, smiling through the tears.

"Michael, man... Mike was an amazing friend." Owen spoke into the microphone. "Always smiling, never once did I see him frown, not once." Owen held up a finger and he shook his head. "Its hard to believe that he's gone." Owen gently ran his hand over the casket and a small tear ran down his face.

"Um, Mrs. Grady." The preacher nodded his my way.

I slowly stood up and made my way over to the pulpit, giving Owen a sad smile on my way up.

"I um... I don't really know what to say about Karen other than the fact that she was beautiful." I spoke. "She always was cheerful, and she always wore a big smile on her face. She raised a beautiful daughter." I stated as I lifted Lily up a bit. "And I intend to make sure she stays like her mother. Wonderfully kind and absolutely beautiful in her own way."

I walked down the stairs again and I kissed one of my hands, placing it on to the closed casket of Karen Ludwig. "I'll miss you." I whispered and another tear fell down my cheek.

Owen walked up to me and he placed a hand on to my shoulder, turning me around and placing a kiss on to my forehead. We both walked back down to our seats and we waited for everyone to give their own little speeches. Soon, it was time for us to bury them.

"May we all rise for the family."


I let out a sigh and slowly set Lily down in her crib that was set in Owen and my room. Earlier, we had gone over to the Ludwigs place and we collected some of Lily's things.

Running my finger over her temple, I gently kissed her forehead before stood up, walking out of the bedroom. I sat down next to Owen on the couch and I let out another sigh.

"What're we going to do?" I mumbled as I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"About what?"

"Lily." I stated and I looked up at him. "We've never raised a child before."

"Don't worry." He softly spoke and he put an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to him. "We'll figure it out, we always do."

"I just can't believe it." I whispered and I shook my head. "Karen, a– and Michael..."

"I know." Owen kissed the top of my head. "It's going to be alright."

I wrapped an arm around his waist and kiss his cheek, burying my head into his neck. A few tears ran down my face and Owen ran his thumb across my cheek, wiping the tears away. I let out a shaky sigh and I pushed myself off of the couch, turning to Owen before I spoke.

"I'm going to head to bed." I said, and I gave him a sad smile.

"Okay, I'll be in there soon." Owen smiled and kissed my knuckles before he gave me hands a small, reassuring squeeze.

I turned around and walked back into the room, shutting the door behind me. With a shaky breathe, I grabbed my pajamas and pulled them on after stripping my day clothes off. I sat down on the bed and set my head in my hands.

To think, that after putting Smith away I would be happy. Now that Smith is gone, we managed to find Dr. Wu's hideout, so he'll be put away as well. Everything was good. Expect for Karen and Michael.

But I had to be happy. I needed to stay strong, for them. It's what they would've wanted. It's what Karen would've wanted. It was over, and this time, for good.


Guys!! I'm so sorry but this is the last chapter!! I know that it was so short, but I hope that you still liked it!

I hope you guys enjoyed the Indominus Series, because I know that I enjoyed writing it!

I also, I've posted a new book called SuperSonic, and I'd love it you guys could check it out, tell me how it is!! Thanks lovelies!!

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