Chapter 8

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*Erin POV*

Owen and I quickly followed Rj to a small building that was in the middle of camp. Claire was in fact in there and we greeted each other with hugs and warm welcomes. She also decided to bring along two others, Zach and Gray! The welcomes didn't really last long though, because Sergeant Smith soon walked in.

"I hope you guys are enjoying your stay here so far." Smith spoke up as he smiled around at everyone in the room.

I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step forward. "What in the hell kind of lab are you running here!" I said, clenching my fists angrily at my sides

Owen jumped forward and wrapped in arm around my waist to hold me back. He knew me so well.

"Erin, what are you talking about?" Claire asked and she looked at me with a strange look.

"They're experimenting on the dinosaurs!" I exclaimed as I glared at Smith. "They're already hybrids! What else do you want to do to them?!"

"Is this true?" Zach asked and he turned to Smith, pushing Gray behind him a bit.

"Mrs. Grady, I can assure you that these creatures are in good hands." Smith calmly replied and he looked at me.


"You need to calm down." Owen whispered into my ear and he pulled me closer to his chest.

I turned to him and narrowed my eyes a bit. I turned back around and I looked around the room. I sucked in a deep breathe and slowly let it out, trying to calm myself.

"If you don't fix the dammed lab..." I started as I opened my eyes again, looking straight at Smith.

"Mrs. Grady, I am sorry if you think of this as wrong." Smith stated and he pointed out of the window. "We didn't mean to offend you."

"Whatever." I mumbled and I pushed my way out of Owens arms.

"Now, why don't we discus what you originally came here for." Smith said as he pointed to the chairs in front of a table.


After we all sat down and chatted about our 'jobs' here, we all went our separate ways. Owen and I were going to be training the soldiers on how to 'control' the dinosaurs. We don't control them! Get that through you stupid heads.

I was going to work with a mix of carnivores and herbivores, while Owen was just strictly carnivores. Sergeant Smith gave us a schedule that told us where we needed to be, and at what time.

Good thing is, turns out that Zach and Gray where going to be bunking next to us. They had both grown up into fine young men. Zach being 18 and Gray now 15, they both seemed to have an interest in the dinosaurs. Gray still having a lot more enthusiasm than Zach.

After the meeting, I had decided to go back to the lab and visit Halo. I slowly sneaked my way into the lab and I soon spotted Alice bossing a few 'doctors' on the correct way to do things. The lab already started to look and run better.

"How you holding up?" I whispered as I knelt down next to the pen that Halo was in.

She gave a quiet chirp and lightly tapped her head against the wall. I brought my finger to my lips and shushed her.

"Shh, I don't think that I'm allowed in here yet." I whispered, giving a quick check to make sure that no one was coming.

I pushed my hand in between the bars and gently stroked the base of her neck. She nestled her head into my hand and I smiled gently as she began to put a bit. She let out another chirp and I giggled a bit. I brought my hand to my side and slowly stood up.

I grabbed a few pieces of fruit off of a nearby table and fed her. She still didn't look healthy, but with my help she would soon return to normal.

I brushed my hands off once she was fed and I rubbed the top of her head. "I'll see you later." I whispered, turning to walk away.

She let out another quiet chirp and crouched down, resting her head in between her knees. She closed her eyes and I looked at her with sad eyes. These people mistreated these dinosaurs way to much.

I clenched my fists and stuffed them in my pockets, seeing as I could feel myself wanting to smash everything in sight. As I walked out, I glared at most of the doctors. It was their fault. If I ever got my hands on Dr. Wu, he'd never see the light of day again.

I closed the door to Owens and my apartment and fell to the couch. The jet lag was finally getting to me, and I was pooped.

"Hey, where'd you go?" Owen asked as he walked into the living room.

"Just went to explore." I told him, to tired to actually tell him where I went. "And now I'm tired."

Owen walked over and pulled me up by the shoulders, walking me to the bedroom. "You need to sleep." He stated, soon letting out a yawn as well.

I let out a small laugh and I shook my head. "We both do."

I grabbed some pajamas and quickly changed before falling on to the bed. I pulled the covers over my body and Owen soon climbed in next to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to his chest.

I wrapped an arm around his waist, the other resting upon his chest. I closed my eyes and let out a yawn as I buried my head into his neck.

"Goodnight." I whispered as I snuggled close to Owen.

He pressed a small kiss to my head and leaned his head on top of mine. "Goodnight."

I really hope that we can show these people that dinosaurs are not to be messed with. Or something bad might happen. And if we ever found Dr. Wu, we would probably all take a swing at him, he sure as hell deserved it.

Indominus Life || Jurassic World || Book 3Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora