Chapter 29: Reunion with her Exes

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Here we are again. Stefan and Damon were in the kitchen throwing insults at each other, the smell of dinner was in the air- of course, only Stefan was cooking; Damon doesn't even know how to cook- chicken Parmesan; my favourite. Let me guess, because I've returned Stefan and Damon are looking for a way to impress me. Right now I need to speak to Stefan, Damon still doesn't know about the baby; but he will find out. Its just not the right time, not now.

"Chicken Parmesan, huh? Is this supposed to be a welcome-home dinner or something?" I ask smirking and leaning against the wall.

"Oh, you finally found time for us! Your little road trip with Elijah proved to be a mishap, eh?" Damon, thinks I've come back for him.

"Don't push it, Damon. If I wasn't with Elijah and it was a mishap, why would he have come back here with me?" I'm with Elijah, I need him to understand that.

Stefan just finishes rinsing out the pasta before Damon has just found his confectionery cupboard where he hides the booze. 'Not in the mood for a drinking game right now.' My stomachs growling, I stroke Stefan's wrist for a second, he looks at me and backs off, allowing me to take over his cooking (not that I'm really a good cook either) and it smells delicious.

"What? Now we're bonding over cooking dinner? A chef who needs help is the catcher of girls eyes in my opinion." witty words coming from Damon; the one and only.

'Kick him out the room.' I say to myself mentally. Elijah paces right outside of the kitchen, no longer wearing his blazer, undoing his tie as he rolls up his sleeves and joins us.
"Damon, think you could give us some space?" waste of time asking.

"One flash of Elijah and you want me gone? What about Stefan? Well no, I'm staying." I knew it.
"Damon, we're trying to cook dinner, you're not helping, so, yeah get out." Stefan's on my side, at least.

Damon's allows his eyes to pop open in a slightly embarrassed/shocked face. Next thing, Bonnie bursts into the room; don't see what her business here is.
"Please excuse us." Bonnie links her arm through Damon's as she leads him away, she looks at me; in the eyes, obviously she knows why we need Damon extracted from our presence.

'Thank you.' I mouth to Bonnie.

Severing their linked arms, Damon moves from Bonnie and twist me by my shoulder to look at him.

"Don't screw up." he says before attempting to place our lips together.

I slap him across the face. Not for the first time, and glare at him irritated.
"Don't make me use my powers on you." I give him warning.

"Oooh." Damon pretends to be a ghost; wiggling his fingers like little worms and like he's frozen.

It's only a brief moment before he screams in agony and grips his head like he's having a migraine: I can't say I didn't give him a fair warning when I told him I'd use my powers on him. In the nick of time, Bonnie saves him, thus allowing me to relinquish whatever magic I'm smearing onto him, like spreading jam on bread with a knife.

Damon and Bonnie leave us in peace.

"Stefan.... you have t told Damon, have you?" Stefan snaps his fingers at me, immediately after I ask.
Resting a finger on his lips, Stefan uses caution without speaking to let us know that he could be listening; he better not be. I flip the tap to the side, let the water run like a waterfall- with any luck, Damon will just think that we're
Rinsing out the pasta again, just to be sure- a vamp-hearing disruptor, now we can speak freely, for a few minutes.

"No. I didn't say anything. I'm on your side, Elena, but like Damon will be when he finds out, I also have my issues." Stefan, for once is not happy about respecting one of my decisions.

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