Chapter Eight

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"I'm in heaven" I say to myself out loud ignoring the presence of anyone else who may be in the room.

This room is dull and I can do so much that it excites me.

"Oh shut up Koenraad, I'll make it into hell if you want" I hear Mr Peace say from beside me.

I quickly close my mouth and look at the side of his face. He's clenching his jaw as he looks around the room.

"Sorry Mr Peace" I say apologetically.

He rolls his dark brown eyes as he waves me off with his hand.

"This is the office you will be placed in as I don't want to see your face all the time" He informs me.

How nice of him-giving me a new office so he doesn't need to see my face.

"Mr Peace, do you mind if I ask you a question?" I mummer slowly to him.

He turns his head sideways while looking on the floor.

"What is it Koenraad?" He barks impatiently.

"Can I decorate this office-if you don't mind?" This time he fully turns his head and looks at me with a hardened look.

Slowly, he turns all of himself around and starts to walk towards me with his hands stuffed in his trouser pockets. I gulp down on my spit and look down at my hands nervously in fear of what he might say.

"Say it again Koenraad" He says once he stops right in front of me but not close enough for contact.

"C-can I decorate this office?" I say while looking down fidgeting with my hands.

Silence-that's the only thing I'm hearing right now. I'm such an idiot; he's going to fire me! I know he is, I can feel the tension in the air.

"You might as well bring a TV and sofa for yourself as well, make yourself feel a bit more comfortable" He said in a cool voice.

Did he just agree? I think he just agreed in letting me decorate the room. I look up at his face with a bright smile on my face.

"I can really do that Mr Peace?" I say enthusiastically like a child who got to eat the whole chocolate bar.

He nods his head as I clap my hands in excitement.

"That's awesome. When you give me a break I can sit down and catch up with my TV shows and I ca-"

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THIS IS?!" He screams loudly making me step back in fear. His face is red as he glares at me. "It's official; I'm going to get you a certificate for being the first dumbass born in the world. If you don't understand sarcasm then I don't know what kind of shit you do understand" How the hell did I not know he was being sarcastic? "I think you just killed my brain cells. Go and get me another coffee before I kick you out of this building myself!" I stare at his face for a couple of seconds waiting for him to cool down. "DON'T JUST FUCKING STARE AT MY FACE, GET OUT OF IT!" This time I quickly exit the room letting out a deep sigh.

What is wrong with this man anyway, why is he always so angry? He's a billionaire, he has everything he wants then why does he always take his anger out and stay grumpy. I'll never know what's going on his mind-I don't think I would want to anyway. It would probably be like a black hole or something. Rolling my eyes to myself I make my way back to the kitchen to get the devil a coffee.


A knock on the door makes me get up from in front of the computer and clear my throat.

"C-come in" I say.

The door opens revealing that guy from earlier on, the snitch himself is here. What was his name again....oh yes Mark!

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