Chapter 9 - The Freaky Look Alike

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"Hey.." I walked over to Luke, "I'm going on tour with you guys."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah. Michael and I are together now," I told him.

"I saw."

"I was also wondering if Nikki could come too."

"She could, but why?"

"Maybe you two could be together. I can tell you like her. And newsflash.. She likes you too."

"She does?"

"Yeah, she does. Ask her out."

"Okay.." He walked towards Nikki, and they began to talk. I saw Nikki give me a smile. She then nodded at Luke. They were together now. She was most likely coming on tour with us.

I made my way towards them. I smiled and said, "hey.. You two are together now, huh?"

"Yup," Nikki winked at me.

"So, do you want to come on the tour with us?" I asked her.

"You're going too?" She wondered, and I nodded, "well, I guess I'll come with you guys.."

"Good! Do you need to go home to get anything? I'm going home too. We leave for tour tonight.."

"Oh. I'll go with you."

"Can I come too?" Luke asked.

"Sure. Why?"

"I want to meet your parents-"

"They're not my parents.."

"Either way, I want to talk to them.."

"I don't want any trips to the hospital, though."

"There might be.. Haha," he laughed.

"Okay, let's go?" I wondered if they were ready.

"Let's just ask mum."

"Okay," Luke began to walk out in front of me. Nikki followed, as well as Michael did.

"Mum, can we go back to Camden? I'm going on tour the boys and I want to get a few things from my old house. Luke wants to meet, um, the people that raised me. He's going too."

"Oh. Why did you decide you want to go on tour with them?" She asked me.

"Michael and I are, well, together now.." I smiled at her, grabbing Michael's hand and entwining our fingers together, "so are Luke and Nikki."

"Oh, well, only after a day of knowing each other?"

"Well, yeah, I guess."

"well, be back before five. The flight takes off at nine, and I want you to be back with plenty of time, okay?"

"Got it," we began to walk out of the house. We all piled into my car. I began to drive off towards Camden after I got my GPS plugged in.


We made it to Camden about fifty minutes later, earlier than I thought it would be. It was now around eleven.

We made our way to my old house. I know I was just living in it yesterday, but everything in the house and the people living in it, well, I hate them now. They have been lying to me for the past seventeen years.

When we got to my old house, I went straight up to my old room, not talking to the people or even making eye contact with them.

I packed a lot of shirts. I opened my bottom drawer of my dresser to get my black skinny jeans, denim skinny jeans, and my two favorite joggers. I opened my middle drawer to get out four pair of shorts, because I know it'll be warm some places we're going. I packed lots of underwear and bras. Of course I packed my favorite lace bra and the matching underwear.

I grabbed my laptop. I took my charger cords with me also. I grabbed an extra comb, along with my shampoo and conditioner.

I got other essentials and made my way downstairs. Luke was talking to the people. He was telling them all about our family. Michael also mentioned about being my boyfriend. They were surprised.

"You're dating him after being there for a day?" The man asked.

"Yeah. What do you care? You can't do anything about it. I know the truth now."


"Sorry doesn't cut it. You lied to me for seventeen years. Let's go, guys."

We left and made our next stop at Nikki's house. We told her parents our plan. We also told them about how her and Luke are together now.

"What? You've known each other for less than a day!" Her mum freaked out.

"Mum, it doesn't matter how long we've known each other."

"You should get to know him more before you go out with him!"

"I'm sorry mum. We're together now, so it doesn't really matter. Plus, I'm going on tour with them."

"So you just tell me and don't ask me?"


"Like usual," I muttered, laughing.

"I'm gonna go pack," she announced.

"What if I tell you you can't go?" Her mum asked.

"Are you going to?"

"I don't know. I have to think about it."

"We leave tonight. I'll pack while you think."

"Fine. You can go, I don't care. What about school, though?"

"I've got it all worked out already, mum. Since Olivia is going on tour too, were both going to go to school to talk to Mr. Ferland about online schooling. Don't worry."

"Okay. Go pack."

Nikki ran up the stairs and Jacki asked me why I was going on the tour too. I began to explain to her about Luke be I my brother, how my parents had been lying to me, and about Michael and me.

"Oh. Wow."


"So, he's your brother?"

"My twin."

"That explains the freaky look alike."

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