
421 14 8

December 24, 2015

*Michael's POV*

As I made my way to Liv's house, I got even more nervous. I wasn't going to talk to Liv. I didn't want her to know I was at her house. I wanted this to be a surprise.

I pulled into her driveway. I began to knock on her front door, hoping one of her parents would come to the door.

Her mum opened the door to see me there, smiling nervously. She greeted me and invited me in.

"I'm guessing you're here to see Liv," she laughed, "like usual."

"Actually, today I came to see you and Andrew.. I need to talk to you guys."

"What about? Is there something wrong?"

"No, no.. There's nothing wrong. Here, just sit down," I told her, and she sat next to Andrew.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Well, I came here today to ask you a question.." I paused and thought of how to word this, "I want to get your permission to propose to Liv."

Liz gasped, "Michael, that's great!"

"Shh.. I don't want her to know I'm here," I told her.

"Okay," she agreed, "but that's great!" I smiled.

"What about you, Andrew?" I looked at him.

He looked like he was thinking pretty seriously about it. After a minute or two of thinking, he finally nodded, "Michael, you two have my blessing.."

"Thank you so much," I got up and hugged each of them, "I'm going to surprise her tomorrow."

"You better get a video of it," Liz told me, smiling so much her mouth must've hurt.

"I will, I promise," I smiled too, getting ready to leave.


The next evening, I was at Liv's house. I had her actual present in one hand, with a small box in the other hand. In the small box, it had a paper in it.

After I had given her the actual present, I handed her the smaller box. As she was opening it, I got the ring out. She saw the paper that said, "look up". When she did, she looked at me on one knee with the ring's box open towards her. Her hands flew over her face and covered her mouth as she began to cry. As I promised Liz, Luke was getting a video of it.

"Oh my god," she muttered.

"Olivia Grace Hemmings, will you do me the honor and say that you'll be my bride?" I smiled at her.

"Of course," she grabbed me and kissed me. She wrapped her arms around my neck before pulling away, "I love you.."

"I love you too," I whispered back, "will you give me your left hand, please?"

She put her left hand in front of me before I placed the ring on her fourth finger. She hugged me again before giving me a quick peck on the lips.

I grabbed the camera from Luke and showed Liv her reaction. It was so cute. She was so excited. I loved Liv so much.

I began thinking of how Luke's long lost sister was not lost anymore, yet found, and she has found her way into my heart, where she's going to stay.


I'm sorry I didn't warn you guys that this would be over soon! I didn't know it myself until I was writing this yesterday.. Thank you for reading, and I love you guys:)

-Lizzie xx

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