Chapter 21 - Birthday

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November 20, 2013

It was now Michael's 18th birthday! Nikki was now twelve weeks pregnant, and she had a small bump. It was so cute, and I couldn't wait to see her and Ashton with their child.

I was over at Michael's today. He had invited the other guys along with Nikki and me over for his birthday.

Luke and I drove separately, and when Luke got to Michael's house, he saw me there in his Nirvana shirt.

"Did you take that from my closet?"



"Sorry! I just love this shirt."

"It's fine. Just ask next time, okay?"


We waited until Calum and Ashton arrived with Nikki who had gotten a flat near our houses. I was glad. She was able to stay with us, and she didn't have to live with her parents an hour away from here.

We were now finished with the tour, obviously. Ashton and Nikki are together better than they were before Nikki found out she was pregnant.

Ashton, Calum, and Nikki got to Michael's house a few minutes later, and we just hung out. We ordered a few pizzas, and the boys played video games. Nikki and I talked a lot.

"So how are you feeling?" I asked Nikki.

"I'm pretty good. My parents are still pissed at me. Ashton's mum took it better than my parents."

"Anne Marie's nice."

"She is. She's helping a lot. I'm glad."

"Yeah. That's good. Are you guys going to find out what the gender is?"

"Yeah, but we're not going to be able to for at least another six weeks."

"Yeah. Well what do you guys think it is?"

"I think it's a boy, but Ashton insists it's a girl."

"I can just imagine him spoiling his little girl so much."

"Yeah. Now how are you and Michael? Anything new?"

"You're talking like we haven't seen each other in years. We're fine. I'm not exactly sure that my dad likes us together, though."

"You know what, your mum was right about Luke and me."

"About what?"

"She told us we were rushing into the relationship, not giving it enough time. That's what we were doing, then we split up, and I'm with Ashton now."

"Yeah. Mum is usually right about those things. That's why Michael and I took a break. We're back together now and we're happy."

"Did you tell your parents about you guys thinking you were pregnant?"

"No. I didn't tell them, of course, but I don't think Luke has thought to tell them. I hope he never does."

"Yeah, you wouldn't want your parents to get mad at you worse than Luke did. There was so much tension that night."

"I know," I paused, but changed the subject, "How many scans have you gone for?"

"I went once at eight weeks. I actually have another one tomorrow for my twelve week appointment."

"You'll have to tell me how that goes tomorrow night."

"I could come over?"

"Maybe right after it. What time is your appointment?"

"Ten thirty, I think."

"You could come over after, I don't think I'm doing anything. Michael is coming over tonight and he's staying there for the first time since we've been together. I'm not sure how that is going to go down with my dad."

"Yeah, good luck with that. You'll need it."

She was right, for sure. We needed all of the luck in the world.


That afternoon, I went home along with Michael. We walked in the front door, and luckily, my dad wasn't downstairs. My mum was, though, and she greeted us.

"Hey Liv.. And hey Michael.. Happy birthday."

"Thanks," he started, "and if it's alright with you, I'll be staying here tonight."

"I'm completely fine with that, but it's Andrew you have to worry about. Ask him. I suggest at dinner, that's when he's happiest," she smiled.

"Thanks Liz," Michael said as we walked away.

When dinner came, Michael was there with us. My dad saw him as he came downstairs, but he glared at him. Michael was talking to Luke at the time, so he didn't see my dad. As we began to eat, my dad finally asked, "How long is Michael staying tonight? He is going home soon, right?"

"Well, we were thinking he could stay over tonight," I told my dad.

"And what made you think that was okay?" This was not going to end well..


Comment what you think Nikki and Ashton's baby is!!

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