Chapter 18 - "I'm Pregnant"

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"Why would you think that you wouldn't be?" I asked him.

"I don't know.. I was thinking that maybe when we were at the club and you were making out with Ashton, that it might've gone farther than that."

"I don't remember much about that night, but I do remember, and I can assure you, that did not happen, alright? If I am pregnant, you're the father. You got that? You're the only one."

"I love you, Liv. No matter what."

"I love you too, Mikey, no matter what.." I started to cry.

"Livy, what's wrong?"

"I love you so much, and I don't want to ruin your life just because I got pregnant, if I am."

"No, no.. Baby, you won't ruin my life. I love you so god damn much, and I'll love our baby just the same if we find out you're pregnant."

"Thanks Mikey," I pecked his lips.

"Do you think the pregnancy tests would be ready yet?"

"Not quite yet.."

"So what do you think?"

"What do I think of what?"

"Do you think you're pregnant or not?"

"Well," I thought for a little, "there's a good possibility I am, but I'm not throwing up or anything, so I'm not saying there's a 100 percent chance I am."


"Do you want me to be pregnant?"

"Not exactly. If you are, that's completely fine, but I think we'd be better off if you aren't. We've only been dating for three weeks, you know."

"I know. I'm just thinking of what might happen if I am."

"Like what?"

"Like if I would be able to stay on tour with you guys."

"Tour only lasts another month."

"Will I be able to go with you guys next year if you go on another tour?"

"Instead of 'if's, how about we find our for sure, okay?"


We walked into the bathroom and looked down onto the sink counter where the three pregnancy tests laid. They were all negative. I sighed a sigh of relief. Michael did too.

"So you're not pregnant?"

"Nope. I'm glad, actually."

"Me too."

He walked out of the room, most likely into the kitchen to get something. I sat on the bed on my phone until I heard a knock on the door.

"Olivia?" It was Nikki.


"Can we talk?" She asked through he door.

"Sure. Come in," I told her, so she came in and locked the door behind her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I wondered.

"I'm pregnant.."


Sorry this was really short and that I didn't update it earlier:( I had family over and I couldn't take time to do this. Now for a rant...

First of all, I know I'm late on ranting about this, but Ashton is dating Bryana.. I'm not really sure how to feel about it. I mean, if he's happy, then I'm happy, but at the same time I'm sort of mad because I have seen videos and in most of them she doesn't seem to care that they're together. I sort of do like them together, but not if Bryana is like that.

Next, the picture of Calum and that girl. Everyone says its photoshopped because "he doesn't have a left arm". Btw, he's using his left hand behind him to hold up the towel. I was talking with my friends about it, and they thought, "Calum would never post something of that of himself. There's no way that could've got leaked either." Then we thought about his nudes. He probably thought there would be no way that would've got leaked, but it did. I have no idea whether to think that it's real or photoshopped. What do you think?

We can't forget the SKH music video. I have to say it, they all look pretty damn hot in the video tbh. I love the video and if you haven't seen it, go watch it!!!

Now for the directioners: Louis's baby. He confirmed it. I'm kind of excited, but I see everyone saying "his life is gonna end", "1d is gonna break up even more", "I don't want Louis to have a baby". First of all, he's twenty-three. I think he will be okay with having a baby. His life will not end. Second of all, One Direction will not break up even more just because one of the members is having a child. Look at Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy. Pete has two sons, Patrick has one. Their band didn't break up when they had kids! Finally, who cares if you want Louis to have a baby or not? It's his life, not yours. He can do what he wants and have a child if he wants. He won't ask you if he should have a kid, would he? No, he wouldn't. And please stop with the "Tomlinson or tomlindaughter" or "they were so desperate for a fifth member that Louis went and made one" or "but what about Larry". The first one gets annoying, the second one is sort of rude, and the third one is not true. Larry isn't real, sorry to crush your dreams. I'm actually excited for Louis to have a baby.

So that's it for my rant.. I hope you agree, but if you don't we could start a conversation in the comments and talk about what we all think! Love you all!


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