Chapter Nine: The Thoughtful Boy

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(a/n: please check out the tumblr just for WACK!

I've made a character list where every character has photo galleries if you want to see how I imagine them looking, more info like birthdays, occupations, etc. The character page is at

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I hate work. There is absolutely no way around the entire situation I just completely and absolutely hate work. Why, you might ask? Because work has officially made the most adorable child in the entire world cry.


Of course, I didn't expect to simply fly to London for the week to do nothing; I just don't think anyone should be required to go to work if it makes Grayson Horan cry. It wasn't even a big thing, just a quick radio interview, but that had no effect on the amount of waterworks reaching for the Niall's apartment door caused.


"Where you go?" Grayson simply asked me, and the moment I said I have to work: that's when the tears started flowing. I didn't even know what to do; what does one do when single-handedly causing a two-year-old's meltdown?


Of course, Niall was there and managed to get Grayson to calm down enough to where I could leave feeling slightly less guilty. There's no way to describe how his little pout managed to make me feel all the way here, and I'm not sure I can even focus on the task at hand without my mind falling back to him.


"What have you been doing with your time off here in London?" Don't you just love radio interviews? I do; they're far less stressful than on-camera ones. That is, unless they ask you what you've been doing, and your entire weekend has consisted of sleeping in the same bed as Niall Horan and playing dinosaur with his secret toddler. I'm sure the random girl sitting in the seat next to me must think I look like a deer in headlights, because I might as well be. 


"Oh, just hanging out with some friends, taking it easy." My voice wavers a bit, but I think I've got a handle on the obvious nervousness that I seem to be oozing. This whole interview has been utter chaos, I think. I haven't been able to fully pay attention to anything the girl has asked me, and, when I do, the question just leads me back to thinking about how much of mess I've managed to stir up in a single weekend.


Why, just, why did I have to go and mess everything up with Niall. I can't believe that I actually slept in the same bed as him. Twice. Who does that? I don't even know what this is. Niall's obviously still not over his wife, and I'm not making it any better by coming in and getting too close.


What am I even thinking? He doesn't think of me like that, which is why sleeping in the same bed isn't really that big of a deal, right? He doesn't have a guest room and he was doing me a favor by letting me sleep in his room. Okay, there was minimal cuddling, but it was very, very minimal. I shouldn't even be thinking about him like this. God only knows that he isn't thinking about me this way, he's got so many more important things going on in his life right now. What right do I have to come into his life and make it any more horrible than it already is? I just can't help it that my heart seems to flutter a bit every time I see him smile.


The one thing I seem to like far more about radio interviews on channels like this is that there seems to be an infinite amount of breaks for music. Yeah, it takes more time in the long run, but I'd never trade the breaks to collect myself for anything else on days like this.

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