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So, i just wanted to give you guys a super quick update on what's happening with wack in the near/distant future.
MOST IMPORTANT THING !!! -> consider helping me out !! i'm trying to see the quality of my work, as writing serially (posting in chapters as i complete them rather than a full text) is quite the challenge.
If you comment your predictions on this note (what you believe will happen in the future of the story) it would help me so much. I know this seems quite simple (it is!) but it helps me know how i am conveying my characters to you. It helps me understand if you're seeing the text in the same way i am, and it also lets me know if you've picked up on any little hints that i meant for you to miss! If you do this i will literally love you forever and i literally will make you a manip of two celebrities of your choice (not to be a jerk but i think im actually kinda good at this -> my photoshop instagram page is @ photoshopfactory so look there if you wanna see my ps skillz to see if commenting your DETAILED and THOUGHTFUL predictions are worth it :) :) :) )

• I can confirm for you at this moment that there WILL be AT LEAST one sequel. I had a originally planned for two, but i think it can all be condensed into one late book.
• I don't imagine wack being more than sixty chapters, although it may end up being slightly longer/decently shorter than that.
•I am currently RE-WRITING the first six chapters of WACK !!  this is very important to me because i actually wrote the first chapter when i was twelve years old (even though i didn't publish it 'til i was fifteen) THAT'S A VERY LONG TIME AGO (i'm seventeen !! ) .  I find the first chapters to be exceedingly poor in grammar, structure, and even overall plot, therefore i am rewriting them. This isn't a new thing !!  i've been working on this for about three months and i hope to have the re-done first chapter up by the time i publish chapter 30. I hope you might consider re-reading that chapter once i fix it; it will probably clear up some confusing things.
• on a fun note, you should read the first chapter again after reading chapter 29 :)  i have improved so much as a writer and i think it's almost comical  how bad the first chapter is. it's a very stereotypical bad fanfic chapter.


-S xx

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