Chapter Forty-Two: The Intermediary Boy

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Chapter Forty-Two word count: 7669 words

(a/n: If you want wack to keep being written, don't forget to comment! if only one person comments I don't know if I will continue posting it because there's really not a point in posting it if no one reads it.)

Elliot ends up calling me right before Niall and I are about to head to bed. I don't really think anything of it before I remember the time difference, then I get increasingly concerned that he's calling me in the middle of the night.

"Hello?" I answer fairly fast, worried something's happened to Ollie.

"Hi. Are you busy?" Elliot's talking so, so softly, and his voice crackles a bit. It's like he's been crying. Why has he been crying?

"No. Is everything okay?" I ask, and it scares me a little when Elliot doesn't respond right away.

"Ollie asked me not to tell you but, uh-" Elliot starts, his voice cracking a bit again. Whatever this is is obviously bothering him, "I'm just. I'm really fucking terrified. And I don't want to bother you, but I don't know what to do." Elliot says, his voice so tight, so desperate. It breaks my heart.

"You're not bothering me, okay? What is it?" I ask, even though now I'm pretty fucking terrified as well. It doesn't help that Elliot takes a decently long to reply to me.

"They found something. In Olls." Elliot says, and he's crying softly. My heart breaks instantly.

"What was it?" I ask gently, not wanting to make Elliot more upset, but still getting some more information.

"I dunno. They, um- The doctor called it a mass I think. They're testing it for um- They think it might be cancer. A tumor."

Oh my god.

I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. For just a moment, everything stops, and I feel my breath get caught in my throat.

"Are they- um. How sure are they?" I ask. I'm not going to show Elliot I'm scared. Not right now.

"Not at all. They just- it could be that. Could be a lot of other things too. Could be nothing. But. Yeah. We're just- Waiting for the test results. I suppose." Elliot whispers, and I guess that makes me feel a bit better. But I know that Ollie's got to be terrified. Elliot too. They can't handle this on their own.

"Did you tell Anne?" I ask.

"No. Olls doesn't want to tell anyone yet. It really could be nothing. He said he doesn't wanna, like, worry anyone that it's back if it's not." Elliot says. I don't know what to do. I've never had to deal with something like this before. That seems to happening a lot recently, at least since becoming a mom. I've got to do a lot of things that seem far too important for me to be making decisions on, but I've still got to make them. Elliot's looking at me for what to do. I'm the adult now. I'm supposed to know what to do.

"Where are you? Are you at the hospital?" I ask.

"We're both at my flat." Elliot says, sniffling still.

"What's Olls doing?"

"He, um- He fell asleep. He wouldn't talk after we got home and, um, I guess he just exhausted himself from crying. He's trying to be brave and all; you know, just being Ollie. But he's scared. He tells his mum he was too young to remember having it the first time, but he's lying." Ollie always does that. He always lies to make everyone else feel better. It doesn't work half the time. We know he's terrified, and we know he's in pain no matter what he says.

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