Chapter Thirty-Two: The Wavering Boy

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Chapter 32 word count: 9370 words

(A/N: I used lyrics from 'Memories' by Shawn Mendes for this chapter, but I definitely changed the meaning of the song! I would recommend listening to that song; it's beautiful !!)

It took a while to convince Niall to display his awards in our house like he used to. It's always been a bit of a touchy subject with him, but a new shipment of them arrived, and I thought it'd be nice if we displayed them on a few empty shelves in the living room. He worked hard for them, after all. I think he's always been worried about putting pressure on Grayson to do the same as him, to bring home as many awards and be just as successful. Hell, I'm not even as successful as Niall. Not many people are. He's got one of the highest net-worths in the world for people under thirty. He's got an amazing family too, a lovely little boy who's so smart and curious and really the best son you could ever ask for. Niall's got everything really, on paper at least. He still struggles, though, and he deserves to be proud of everything he's accomplished.

He does eventually agree, as long as I have my awards displayed along with his. I give in, of course, but I'll have to have some of them shipped here because I left all of them at the LA house. It's alright, though, I'll add it to my list of things Katie needs to contact people to do when I see her next. She seems to really be a enjoying this job, and I'm glad the hours are flexible enough for her.

The Brits are tomorrow night, and I know Niall will be winning quite a few awards there as well, so I leave an empty space towards the ends of his Brits while I'm placing them on the shelf, prepared for the new ones he'll be receiving. The only downside of Niall being in a group act is that he hardly ever gets his award the night of the show, as the group is presented one award, then a custom one with Niall's name is shipped to his label for him to pick up. It's a bit of an annoying process, but necessary nonetheless.

Niall has had a bit of a rough week, honestly, and I hope his PTSD will have mercy on him tomorrow night. Not only will we be out most of the night, but Niall's got to put on quite the show at events like this. He's got to pretend to be his nineteen-year-old self, the one who laughs at absolutely everything and will drink anything you put in his hand. The trick, though, is someone will give him a drink that's nearly empty, and he'll lazily sip on the glass of for hours, not actually drinking any. No one ever notices, and if they do, Niall just says he's already had too many. I hate that he does that, and Niall hates it more than I do.

There's been quite a few requests for us to bring Grayson to the award show as well. It's a bit of an odd request. Our child has never been to any formal public event like this, and we never planned for him to be. However, the boys are being pretty persistent about him going, and so are both of our managers, as well as our labels. Neither of us are all that sure why, but it's obvious there's some sort of surprise relating to G being there that we're not supposed to know about. So I guess that's why we've picked out a cute little dressy outfit for G to wear for the Brits, the color matching nicely with our outfits as well.

It makes me insanely nervous to take G. Usually, security wouldn't follow us very closely while we're in such a secure environment, but Niall's personal security will be close by during the entire event, and will be seated next to us during the show as well. It's not ideal for the show itself, but they want Grayson to attend badly for some reason, so they'll accommodate us wanting our own security close by.

We learned only yesterday that Ollie will be performing at the Brits. It's a bit of a shock, of course. He's never performed anywhere, let alone somewhere as large and widely-viewed as the Brits. Niall is nervous about One Direction's performance, so I know Ollie's got to have at least a little nerves, right? I don't know, but I think it'll be nice for Ollie. He's been incredibly ill recently and has been hospitalized off and on since the last time Niall and I saw him, when we covered for him and Elliot not too long ago. It's been rough for him. His doctors have said if he doesn't get a kidney within the next month he might be too weak to survive a transplant after that. So, we've got a month to find a kidney for Ollie or he's going to die. He won't make it to his eighteenth birthday. It's hard, but I think we'll figure it out. Ollie's not going anywhere if the Styles family or Niall and I have anything to say about it.

Without a Clue {Diall}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon