Chapter Twenty-Nine: The Determined Boy

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Chapter Twenty-Nine word count: 5501 words

(a/n: here is the Christmas chapter of wack !! I didn't really write that much fluffy Christmas stuff because idk but if you would like a little blurb of Christmas morning let me know.)

I love watching Niall perform. I know he doesn't really get the same thrill from it as he used to, though, especially if it's televised. Niall gets intensely nervous about televised performances, but I know he can still enjoy the intimate little shows that will only make it to the public in low-quality bits and pieces on YouTube. Even if Niall is nervous, though, he is still insanely talented, and listening to him live is the most amazing experience. G finds it quite exciting as well, and will sit and watch Niall contentedly from backstage for a quite a bit of time; he'd never be able to sit still for the whole show, of course, but it's still so sweet to see the tiny boy so excited to watch his father on stage.

This is Niall's last work commitment before we're heading home to Ireland for Christmas. We'll be staying at the home in Ireland until after New Year's, when we'll be moving to London. I've already got everything I'm planning to take with me packed up and sent; it's on its way to either Ireland or London at the moment. We'll definitely be keeping the house in Ireland. No matter how long we stay in London, Ireland will always be home.

The boys end up going on about an hour and a half later than planned because of some technical problems, so the show runs a bit later than what Niall and I thought it would. It's about eleven by the time the boys come off stage, so G's been asleep for quite a few hours. I couldn't really watch most of the show since G fell asleep early on, so I took him back to Niall's dressing room for some quiet. I'm still in the dressing room when Niall comes in. He's got a thin layer of sweat on his face, and his in-ears slung around his neck and over his shoulders. His hair is falling from its styled-up position, one little curl resting down on his forehead.

"How long's he been out?" Niall whispers, pulling his in-ears off and throwing them in the general direction towards his bag. He looks so tired, like he just wants to go home and go straight to bed. I don't blame him; it's been quite a busy day for him.

"A couple hours."  I say, and Niall nods; he walks over to me and G and presses a soft little kiss to my lips.

"I'll take 'em. You need a break." Niall mumbles, holding his hands out towards me.

"You don't have to do that; you just walked off stage. I'm alright, I promise." I say, and Niall sighs a bit, lifting his eyebrows and keeping his arms extended for the small child. He always worries that I'm doing too much.

"Fine." I murmur, pressing a kiss to one of Grayson's chubby little cheeks before standing up and transferring him to Niall's arms. Niall presses an additional kiss down into G's curls, smiling a bit at the tiny boy.

"S'nice not 'avin to worry about him when I'm onstage." Niall says, walking towards his bag in the corner of his room and pulling out a clean change of clothes. I'm confused why he took G just to have to put him down to change, but then Niall leaves the room for just a moment, and he comes back without G.

"Um, Ni? Did you forget something in the hallway? Like our child, maybe?" I ask him, and he only smiles and shakes his head.

"Someone's watchin' him; don't worry. I did have to do somethin' with him before you, ya know." Niall says, immediately pulling off his slightly sweaty shirt and replacing it with a clean, long sleeved white T-shirt. There's rings of stripes around the sleeves and it fits him good. Sometimes I wonder if he knows how good some shirts really fit him, how good he looks in them. I suppose he might do it on accident, but still.

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