Chapter Thirty-One: The Supportive Boy

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Chapter Thirty-One Word  Count: 9147 Words

It's the meeting that might change everything. I'll either walk out of here with an extended contract or I'll walk out with the knowledge that I'll have to buy out of my contract. I suppose it's a good thing we're finally having this now, but I really wish Niall were here with me. He's got some sort of charity soccer event to do today, though, something he's actually very excited for. Eleanor was nice enough to offer to watch Grayson while I'm here, as Niall and I haven't found a sitter willing to get all of the medical training Grayson requires. Most of Niall's close friends and family, including all the boys; Eleanor and Danielle; Hayden and his wife, Karen, have been trained, so we've been relying on them a bit during the rare times when both Niall and I are too busy to watch our child, as he can usually just tag along to something either of us is doing.

However, G was coughing quite a bit this morning and his oxygen levels were extremely low last night, so Niall and I decided a day full of activity watching the charity footie match Niall's coaching wasn't really the best idea. Luckily, even though Eleanor's already got quite a busy life with two boys of her own who are both quite rowdy, she was fine with watching Grayson for a couple hours while I have my meeting.

I'm a bit distracted; I'm not going to lie. It's been a few weeks since G's last hospitalization for his lungs, and his breathing has been off for the last few days. I hate to leave him right now, when Niall and I both know something is bound to happen soon. We can tell the signs of impending issues days before they happen, G's oxygen levels dropping quite suddenly every night and sometimes during the day, but not low enough to take him to the doctor. I feel so useless watching him be so sick, but I know there's really nothing Niall and I can do. G's lungs are underdeveloped. Nothing anyone can do will replicate the three and a half more months of growth Grayson missed. We've got to work with what he's got.

I've got this new assistant named Katie, a perfectly normal girl who's very sweet and very young. She's good with Niall and G, and seems to understand how my life works. I don't really know if it's going to work out yet, but it seems like it might, especially when she pops in just before the meeting is starting to tell me that she's talked to Eleanor and G is still alright; he's having a great time with Jamie and isn't even missing Niall and I yet. It's what I need to get through the boring and quite serious meeting, so I thank her politely as she exits the room again, leaving me to these people who will decide my fate.

They ask me a lot of questions. They ask when Niall and I are planning on getting married, if we're planning on having more kids and when I want to tour, if I want to do another tour. I tell them I don't know if I want to do another tour, but I know I definitely don't want to tour while Niall is. We'd never see each other, Grayson would never see us. I don't want that. Niall's tour is already scheduled to start in August and end in the late spring or early summer of next year, and I'm open to touring then.

"But you're planning on having more children?" A blonde woman asks me, but I can't remember her name. I nod instantly. Yeah, Niall and I are definitely going to have more kids. I'm sure of it.

"Will you be able to tour then? Well, in a year or two? With a new baby? Or will you wait until after your tour to have more children?" She asks, and I suppose it's a valid question. It's their job to be nosy, to work out my entire life to see if they still want me. I know I won't want to do a tour while pregnant. That sounds absolutely miserable. I have no idea when I'm planning on having another kid, though, so it's not really something I can plan for right now. This is something Niall and I have to talk about, and they seem to understand when I say that.

"Grayson is how old, again?" Someone asks, and I'm quick to respond.

"He'll be three at the end of this week." I say, and the man who asked nods, jotting something down then. It's all a bit tense, though. I know my life isn't the most unusual one out there, but the reality is that I'm a mom now, and I don't financially need a job. If this job is going to take me away from my son, from my future kids, maybe I don't want this job anymore. Maybe this was for me when I was younger, when I didn't have obligations and a family that means the world to me.

Without a Clue {Diall}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin