How They Sleep

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Alone-Sprawls out and has the ability to cover the entirety of a king-sized bed by himself.  
With someone-Makes a conscious effort not to take up too much of the bed but usually ends up kicking the other out around half an hour after he's fallen asleep. This person is usually either Sirius or Lily.

Alone-Actually hates sleeping alone so either desperately clings to his pillow or attempts to hide his stuffed toy Hippogriff from the others. All the Marauders knew about this so he rarely slept alone.
With someone-Has to be the big spoon, like, he could be sleeping with Hagrid and he would still be the big spoon.

Alone-Curls up into a ball and pulls the blankets up over his face, with the need of feeling safe.
With someone-stays as still as possible all night, not wanting to be intrusive and will hardly sleep-that is unless said person *cough* Sirius *cough* is spooning him, then he cuddles up and sleeps soundly.

Alone-One of those people who can sleep in literally any position, with any amount of coverage, in any situation.
With someone-Acts like a giant teddy bear and will cuddle endlessly.

This being said, after their first term at Hogwarts all four boys pushed their beds together and took turns sleeping in the middle.

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