Ask The Marauders 1

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How did you come out as a couple and who did you tell first?xx-drewrunner

Sirius: Well, I wasted no time in announcing my undeniable love for MoonyMcMoonMoon while stood on the Gryffindor table at breakfast on June 1st 1973.

Remus: Lies, all lies, we were together for a month before we told anyone, it was June 3rd 1973 we got together by the way darling Padfoot, Sirius cried every time I mentioned telling anyone for the first month of our relationship, then we told Lily, then James and Peter, we gradually told all our friends-

Sirius: You forgot Minnie, we told McGonagall after Lily, she was curious.

Remus: You wanted to tell McGonagall because you thought she deserved to know, she wasn't at all curious. Anyway, then Snape found out so naturally the whole school knew by the end of the week, there was like, 2 people who actually gave a damn.

Sirius: And then I declared my undeniable love for you while stood on the Gryffindor table at breakfast.

Remus: You declared your undeniable love for James while stood on the Gryffindor table at breakfast at least twice a week, not once have you done that for me.

Sirius: Oh yeah...but I've had better sex with you than James.

Remus: That'll do, I don't want to know anymore thank you very much.

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