Ask The Marauders 9

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"Have you ever met someone who was using a Timeturner who landed on your time?"-katygirlie

Remus: Not that I can remember.

James: What do you mean? Sirius...

Sirius: Oh, oh yeah. Moony, we met some girl who was using a Timeturner, we didn't know her but she knew us. We thought it might have something to do with you.

Remus: Me? Why would it have anything to do with me?

Peter: Because we never really know with you do we?

Remus: Wow, thanks a lot. Where was I anyway? How did I miss mysterious time travel girl?

James: Hospital Wing probably.

Sirius: Or sleeping.

Peter: Or in the library.

Sirius: It was a Saturday, after the last full moon, you had nowhere to be.

Remus: Fair enough, are you going to tell this cunning take then or not?

Sirius: It would be my pleasure. So there we were, just sat by the tree, minding our own business, well, James was minding more of Evans' business than his own but whatever. So we're sat by the tree and this girl comes bounding up behind us calling our names and we just, react...James swears profusely and pulls out his wand, Peter almost wets himself and I, well I remain my calm stature.

James: Bullshit, you had your wand out before you could blink. Anyway, so this girl puts her hands up in defence and introduces herself as, um...

Peter: Katy.

James: Yeah, Katy. So Katy starts going on about some prophecy and a war or something and I think she knows you're a werewolf, Moony because she was asking how you were and stuff. And then she said that me and Lily get married and have kids and a cat and a house and all the other nice things I knew were going to happen, but, y'know, she's from the future.

Sirius: I think your imagination got the best of you there, James. But yes, that's essentially what happened.

Remus: So some girl from the future comes up to you and you don't think to question it for a second.

James: Nope. But she seemed to know a lot about us, do you think we're famous?

Remus: Oh lord I hope not, your ego doesn't need any help. So this girl just leaves then?

Sirius: She stayed for a little while, just asking us questions and stuff, she asked about you loads.

Remus: God help me then.

Peter: I wish she'd have stayed for a little longer.

James: What? Why?

Peter: Well, she was cute.

Sirius: Oh for the love of- Peter why?

Peter: Well you've got your boyfriend, James has got his...lily and...

Remus: You've had 17 girlfriends this year already. I think that's quite enough on this topic, don't you?

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