Don't Bully My Friend

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Each of the Marauders had different schemas in their mind relating to what may happen if one of their comrades was being bullied.

James would instantly set out on the revenge mission, whoever said bully was would surely rue the day they set foot in Hogwarts when James was done with them. James was quick witted and incredibly smart when his arrogance wasn't getting in the way so he always had a plan.

Sirius would follow a similar route to James, in fact they would often partake in such an activity together, but if he went out alone, it would be completely on impulse, there would be absolutely no planning or caution. Sirius would actually take himself to McGonagall to confess, he would want to tell his cunning tale in his own words, no matter how much trouble it got him in.

Remus would first seek peaceful resolution but let's be honest, that never worked, so Remus, unlike James or Sirius, would take less of a physical route and more of a magical one. He would be hexing the culprits in the halls and classrooms and charm their lives into living hell for at least a week. The bully would know exactly who was sending this shit their way, but nobody else would ever find out.

Peter would never dare actually confront a bully, he was the comforter, the one that would stay by his friends side at all times, he always knew exactly what to say in such a situation, the only time he would ever know exactly what to say in fact. Peter was the one that stayed out of trouble to the good of his friend rather that his own benefit.   

@PJHOOHPGalways is to thank once again for the stimuli of this chapter ok cool.

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