YouTube Of The Wizarding World

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Okay but imagine modern day Sirius having some sort of wizard-YouTube channel where he uploads really crappy covers and get-ready-with-me videos, and makes Remus edit them all because he knows how to do all the swirly stuff that makes Sirius look cool. 

Then Sirius makes a random video just ranting about werewolf rights and why his boyfriend can't get a job even though the law clearly states him fit to work. So a bunch of people see this video and want more, they want to know all about how his boyfriend deals with it, they want to know what it's like living with and dating a werewolf, he even gets a small number of lycanthropic individuals emailing him asking if his boyfriend has social media, wishing to privately contact him. 

After much deliberation, Remus finally agrees to go on camera with Sirius to answer some questions and before long, Wolfstar is the centre of the internet's lycanthropic rights movement, funding pages are being set up to better the research into Wolfsbane potion, videos become a regular thing, explaining lycanthropy from personal experience and those closest, and they have bettered the lives of so many people that Remus believes all his suffering may just have been worth it because they're doing something good for the world. 

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