Best Traits

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James was a really touchy-feely kind of person and, once you got used to that, being greeted by a James-sized bear hug every time you walk in the room really has its advantages.

Sirius was quite a secretively jealous person, which made him great to be in a relationship with, like he would act completely normal all day then later that night it would be "Remus who was that Hufflepuff girl you were hugging earlier?"
"She's my friend, Julie's had a tough time recently."
"Yeah but you were hugging for 7.32 seconds, that is longer than the average hug, I was counting."
"Jesus Christ, it was a hug. You hug James all the time, should I be jealous? You kiss him too, should I go kiss Julie?"
"That's it, the Hufflepuffs can expect Snufflers on their table tomorrow morning."
"Sirius, I'm gay."
"Damn right you are."

Remus had a certain talent with making you feel good about yourself, he could take your every insecurity and turn them on their heads because he knew the value of self worth and how far that could get you.

Peter was always smiling, especially if you were feeling down because he knew that even if he didn't know the right words to say, a smile could spread the positivity in the same way James could make you laugh, Sirius could pull a prank and Remus could make you feel good about yourself.

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