The Lookout

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Nearing the end of their years at Hogwarts, the Marauders were pulling bigger and better pranks than ever before, but on one occasion everything had turned on its head, it was to be a great prank, Remus and James had been brewing this potion for over a month, Sirius had eliminated every possible way of anyone finding out that it was them who traumatised the Slytherins and was sat patiently waiting, in Animagus form, for the unfortunate Slytherins who first returned from breakfast on this fateful morning, the whole prank was now riding on Peter not being caught on the lookout as Wormtail.
However, it happened to be a group of first years who were headed towards the Sytherin common room, said group of first years happened to be rather flustered at the sight of a rat, their pathetic screaming happened to catch the attention of Slughorn, who caught Sirius sat just inside the Slytherin common room with nothing but his robe protecting his modesty along with James and Remus holding a cauldron of suspicious looking red liquid that the potions master couldn't seem to identify.
Needless to say that once the other three were out of 5 days worth of detention, Peter didn't exactly get off easily, the argument didn't last long though, due to the following conversation.
Peter: One of them stood on my tail! It still hurts now.
Sirius: Wait, how can it still hurt now...?
Peter: I will bite your tail next time you transform and see how you like it.
James: Besides the point! Pete, you almost got Padfoot caught, thank god Remus had his robe on is all I'm going to say.
Peter: I don't understand why I have to be the lookout all the time, you know how bad I am at sneaking around.
Sirius: You're a rat Wormtail, we can't exactly have Prongs prancing about the place can we?
Remus: I mean, there is one way...
15 minutes later the head of Prongs was sticking out of the wall leading to the courtyard, the rear end of Prongs along with the other Marauders were the other side of the wall laughing mercilessly as innocent passers by stopped to inspect the new-and undoubtedly questionable-addition to the interior design when the Stag started blinking and poking its tongue out at them.

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