Wolfstar (1 of many)

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When Sirius was young a series of events occurred that left him with temporary scarring that couldn't be healed with magic for a good few weeks, this made him absolutely hate scarring of any kind, whether it be on himself or another person, the very thought of scars revolted him.
Until he was 11. Until he met Remus John Lupin. Until he saw the beauty in imperfections.
Sirius was brought up with the belief that perfection was possible and that was a hard thing to let go of but something clicked inside him when he saw how pure Remus was despite his damaged exterior.
As Sirius and Remus grew closer as friends Sirius began to ask, as politely as he could, about Remus scars, why he couldn't get rid of them, why he had never tried to get rid of them, how he felt about them and finally, how he got them.
This final question was asked on that fateful night in second year, when every question was answered.
Sirius spent the next five years trying to make up for his seemingly intrusive questions.
Remus spent the next five years trying to make up for not answering his seemingly harmless questions as they were asked.

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