Wolfstar (2)

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A week into the first term of fourth year Sirius fell ill, weirdly ill, nobody could figure out what caused it or how to cure it, it just happened quite suddenly. It was requested that he returned home and be admitted to St Mungos if his situation deteriorated but he downright refused to leave Hogwarts so he ended up quarantined in a corner of the Hospital Wing not being allowed to have contact with anyone but medical professionals. His first week of quarantine mostly consisted of sleeping and allowing what must be done but by the end of his second week of seclusion he refused to eat, drink, take any medication or allow any sort of help in his recovery until he saw Remus, at this point the only people who knew about his relationship with Remus were Lily and McGonagall (she was curious).
The medical staff were strict in the sense that no contact should be allowed with patients in quarantine so they ended up having to sedate Sirius each day to force him basic provisions to keep him alive.
The Marauders had obviously been denied access to the Hospital Wing to visit Sirius, this was driving them insane, at one point Peter willingly made himself ill so the other two could get inside the Hospital Wing but when they went to visit Peter they were kept well away from Sirius.
Remus knew, almost selfishly, that Sirius needed to see him just as much as he needed to see Sirius, a full moon was looming, he knew this was his chance.
The others had not fully completed their animagus transformations yet but Remus always seemed to return less scathed when he was with the others before hand and knew they would be waiting for him to return, but this time he had to go alone.
He managed to preoccupy James and Peter the day of the full moon and ventured out alone in the abysmal hope that his suffering would be severe enough to land him in the hospital wing.
He was, however unfortunately, correct, he hadn't suffered like this for as long as he could remember but as far as he was concerned, it was worth it.
A lot of commotion surrounded the treatment of Remus' injuries, commotion Sirius knew well, he knew that his boyfriend was just a few beds away from him, though he couldn't see or speak to him, he knew he was there.
A while after the noise died down Sirius could hear Remus' laboured breathing, he knew he was awake, Sirius gathered every ounce of energy inside him and stood where he knew to be the physical edge of the enchantments creating his quarantine, soon after, the enchantments were released, as they were every day, to force him into some state of health, but this time Sirius was ready, he would not sit and accept this unnatural sleep, he would push past to find Remus on the other side.
And he did, his state only allowed him to move as far as two beds down, but that was enough, just as Sirius collapsed on the bed Remus saw him and rushed to his aid, there they sat, on the unmade bed, tangled in each other's embrace for who knows how long?
With Remus at his side, Sirius would eat again and take his medication, James and Peter were allowed in to see them and Sirius was rid of his mysterious illness within days.

This proved Sirius' theory correct-he simply could not live without Remus John Lupin

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